Postgraduate Studies Committee

University Postgraduate Studies Committee

It is a committee established by the decision of the University Council, chaired by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs at the University, and composed of the heads of the Postgraduate Studies Committees at the faculties that offer postgraduate programs. The Director of the Postgraduate Studies Department at the University is also a member and serves as the committee’s secretary.

The committee discusses the following:

  1. Study and admission matters.
  2. Reviewing complaints submitted by the academic departments.
  3. Reviewing and presenting the minutes of the Postgraduate Studies Committees at the faculties and referring their proposals to the relevant authorities for decision-making and implementation.
  4. Supervising, monitoring, and coordinating postgraduate studies at the university, as well as developing plans and programs, and allocating financial resources for them.

    Graduate Studies Forum

    Graduate Studies Committee meeting

    The Postgraduate Studies Committee at the Faculty:

    The Postgraduate Studies Committee at the Faculty is composed of the Director of the Office of Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty and the coordinators of the postgraduate studies in the academic departments that offer such programs. Its tasks include:

    • Organizing and supervising postgraduate studies at the Faculty.
    • Assigning supervisors for dissertations and scientific theses in coordination with the academic departments.
    • Regulating registration, admission, and transfers within the Faculty.
    • Conducting equivalency assessments and determining grades in coordination with the relevant academic departments.
    • Organizing the study process and examinations at the Faculty.

    The committee for postgraduate studies in the department

    The committee for postgraduate studies in the department consists of the chairperson, who is the coordinator of postgraduate studies in the scientific department, and two members of the department’s faculty. Its tasks include:

    • Supervising postgraduate studies in the scientific department.
    • Reviewing applications of applicants for postgraduate studies in the department, supervising the admission exams and conducting personal interviews with applicants, and making proposals regarding them to the department’s council.
    • Reviewing transfer requests to the department and conducting equivalency assessments.
    • Proposing the department’s capacity.
    • Proposing programs, developing them, and implementing the programs in the scientific department.
    • Reviewing proposals for individual topics and courses suggested by faculty members before they are approved by the department’s council.
    • Proposing discussion committees for theses and dissertations.
    • Reviewing and evaluating research plans and presenting them to the department’s council for approval.
    • Monitoring the implementation of research plans and submitting periodic reports on them to the department’s council in coordination with the supervisors.
    • Monitoring the progress of postgraduate studies and overseeing examinations in the scientific department.

    The second periodic meeting of postgraduate offices

    Contact the committee:


    Phone: 0712629201