Internet user privacy violation, and measuring the extent of Libyan users' awareness.

Baleid Aldoukali (1) , Ebrahem Elburase (2)
(1) IT Lecturar . University of Tripoli, Libya ,
(2) , Libya


This study is exposed to the privacy of user data on the Internet, which has become one of the major problems in the digital world, where users’ data is sold or exchanged on the Internet with their knowledge and without their knowledge by major companies interested in this data to use it in advertising, marketing, studies , statistics, and tracking users’ behavior,  this led to increased interest in the discussion about the societal impact of technology and the risks faces the privacy of Internet users. This study targeted three famous sites on the Internet to determine what these sites do in terms of tracking users and exchanging their data, and what this represents in violation of the privacy of the visitors of those sites. In addition to the above, a questionnaire has been prepared targeting Internet users to determine their awareness of these risks. The study concluded that the three sites track users' data and exchange it with other sites, and a large number of the study sample do not care or have no awareness of the dangers that surround them.

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Baleid Aldoukali (Primary Contact)
Ebrahem Elburase
Aldoukali ب., & Elburase إ. (2022). Internet user privacy violation, and measuring the extent of Libyan users’ awareness. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(2), 79–89.

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