The Basic Elements Of E-management And Its Relationship To The Strategic Performance Of The Alasmarya Islamic University (A field study on the public administration at the Asmarya Islamic University)

Mohamed Almbqa (1) , Mokhtar Bensaad (2)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya


The study aimed to identify the process of linking the basic elements of electronic management The study aimed to identify the process of linking the basic elements of electronic management and the strategic performance of the public administration at the Asmarya Islamic University, and the most important results of the study were: The existence of a strong and significant direct relationship between the availability of the basic elements of electronic management at the Asmarya Islamic University and the strategic performance of the university, where the correlation coefficient was (0.78). The researchers attributed the interpretation of this link to the fact that (60%) of the changes in the strategic performance of the Asmarya Islamic University are explained by the change in the availability of the basic elements of electronic management in it, and that only (40%) of the change is explained by factors other than the availability of the basic elements of electronic management.

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Mohamed Almbqa (Primary Contact)
Mokhtar Bensaad
محمد المبقع, & مختار بن سعد. (2022). The Basic Elements Of E-management And Its Relationship To The Strategic Performance Of The Alasmarya Islamic University (A field study on the public administration at the Asmarya Islamic University). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 111–120.

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