Implementation of the modern control engineering mechanism through the USB technology for the meteorological system at Sabha International Airport

Atiya Alsnousi Ahmida, Khaled Mohamed Moussa, Mahdi Abu Bakr Aqila (1)
(1) , Libya


Applications of temperature change control using electronic control circuits are a branch of modern control engineering science that means controlling degree measurement Temperature in all industrial processes and aeronautical meteorological applications to provide information such as dry Bulb Temp, Wet Bulb Temp, Atmospheric pressure, Dew Point and Visibility because of its impact on air traffic management. This paper discusses the application of modern temperature control engineering mechanism in the area of ??Sabha International Airport, by designing the control circuit (THERMOMETER USB), which works through the USB serial bus that measures the temperature using the transistor as a sensor of dry and wet temperature, and then find information related to Temperature, humidity, dew point and actual vapor pressure via VB program. It controls and reads from the circuit, calculates, analyzes and produces the results using temperature-related mathematical equations and updates them every time period.

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Atiya Alsnousi Ahmida, Khaled Mohamed Moussa, Mahdi Abu Bakr Aqila
عطية السنوسي أحميدة و خالد محمد موسى و المهدي أبوبكر عقيلة ‬‏. (2019). Implementation of the modern control engineering mechanism through the USB technology for the meteorological system at Sabha International Airport. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(4).

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