Fake Currency Detection using Image Processing (Case Study Libyan Currency)

Abdulkream I. Salem, Ahmed B. Elmadani (1)
(1) , Libya


Deferent methods have been developed to reduce use of money paper currency, among those methods saving money currency in magnetic card, in smart card or electronically. But still people uses money paper currency in vary places and this will encourage others to fake them. Fake currency detection is a process of finding the forgery currency and its in attention of all countries over the word. This paper presents an algorithm to detect fake currency among true one based on use of image processing. In the presented algorithm the currency image features are extracted using hu moments and used with two parameters (MSE and RMSE) to detect forgery from original currency.

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Abdulkream I. Salem, Ahmed B. Elmadani
Abdulkream I. Salem, Ahmed B. Elmadani. (2019). Fake Currency Detection using Image Processing (Case Study Libyan Currency). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v18i4.805

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