Decisions and generalizations


Decisions and generalizations

The Department of Graduate Studies depends in many procedures on the decisions and generalizations issued by the university presidency, whether on the academic side

  • Adopting research plans and assigning supervisors
  • Formation of discussion committees
  • Accreditation of degrees and alumni

There are also a number of decisions regarding the administrative side

  • Residents' decisions and generalizations
  • Residents' decisions and generalizations
  • As well as some decisions and generalizations of delegates and employees

The following list contains most of the decisions issued by Walt University, including the Department of Graduate Studies

About the University's Graduate Studies Department

The Sabha University was established by decision of the former People's Committee No. 187/1983 AD where it was sold University of Tripoli from 1976 AD The university contains eighteen colleges spread in the southern region, and seeks through its vision, goals and mission Towards civilization progress and to meet the multiple needs of the region in general, and to achieve sustainable development in raising the educational level of the individual in southern Libya, and to push the wheel of scientific progress forward. Among the departments that help the university achieve its goals are the Department of Graduate Studies and Training at the university.

وتختص ادارة الدراسات العليا والتدريب بالجامعة بإعداد و تنفيذ خطط و برامج الدراسات العليات بالجامعة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس و المعيدين و الموظفين، أو ممن عداهم من العاملين بمختلف جهات العمل داخل دائرة اختصاص الجامعة، و تتولي كذلك اتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة بشأن إيفاد أعضاء هئية التديس و المعيديد التابعين  للجامعة للخارح لغرض اتمام دراساتهم العليا بالتعاون مع Ministry of education

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