خديجة محمد احمد إبراهيم

أستاذ مشارك


جينات ووراثة - كلية الطب البشري-سبها- المرحلة الأساسية

1-     Small chromosomes among Danish Candida glabrata isolates originated through different mechanisms. Ahmad KM, Ishchuk OP, Hellborg L, Jørgensen G, Skvarc M, Stenderup J, Jørck-Ramberg D, Polakova S, Piškur J. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2013 Jul; 104 (1):111-22.

2-     Genome Structure and Dynamics of the Yeast Pathogen Candida glabrata. Khadija Mohamed Ahmad, Janez Kokošar, Xiaoxian Guo, Zhenglong Gu, Olena P. Ishchuk and Jure Piškur (2014). FEMS Yeast Research.

3-     RNAi as a Tool to Study Virulence in the Pathogenic Yeast Candida glabrata. Olena P. Ischchuk, Khadija Mohamed Ahma, Katarina Koruza, Klara Bojanovič, Marcel Sprenger, Lydia Kasper, Sascha Brunke, Bernhard Hube, Torbjörn Säll, Thomas Hellmark, Birgitta Gullstrand, Christian Brion, Kelle Freel,  Joseph Schacherer, Birgitte Regenberg, Wolfgang Knecht, and  Jure Piškur.  Front Microbiol. 2019; 10: 1679. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01679

4-     The haploid nature of Candida glabrata is advantageous under harsh conditions. Running title: C. glabrata haploids versus diploids. Olena P. Ishchuk, Silvia Polakova, Khadija Mohamed Ahmad, Praveen Chakravarthy, Sofia Mebrahtu Wisén, Sofia Dashko, Maryam Bakhshandeh, Leif Søndergaard, Victoria Rydengård, Artur Schmidtchen, John Synnott, Can Wang, Sarah Maguire, Geraldine Butler & Jure Piškur (Manuscript)

5-     Genome dynamics and virulence in the human pathogen Candida glabrata (Ph. D thesis) 2014

6-     Prevalence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among Staphylococcus aureus collection at Sebha medical center. Khadija M. Ahmad, Almahdi A.M. Alamen , Fatima A. Atiya, Abdelkader A. Elzen. Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology.

7-     Co-expression of Extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) and AmpC β-lactamase among Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates in sebha medical center. 2019. Khadija Mohamed Ahmad, Almahdi Ahmed Mohamed Alamen, Shamsi Abdullah Mohamd saad shamsi, Abdelkader A. Elzen. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 18(1)

8-     Emergence of AmpC β- Lactamase and Metalo- β- Lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Sebha, Libya. Khadija Mohamed Ahmad, Almahdi Ahmed Mohamed Alamen, Shamsi Abdullah Mohamd saad shamsi, Abdelkader A. Elzen. 2019. Medical journal of Islamic world academy of sciences. DOI:10.5505/ias.2019.93798

9-     Understand the Genomic Diversity and Evolution of Fungal Pathogen Candida glabrata by Genome-wide Analysis of Genetic Variations. 2020.Gue X, Zhang R، LI Y, Wang ZIshchuk OPAhmad KMWee JPiskur J, Shapiro JAGu Z. . Methods

10-   Prevalence of Malaria infection in Fezzan region (south of Libya). Nassr M. Hamid, Alsadig M. Abdalla, Ali Z. Aldlouli, Ali A. AlMaki, Abraheem M. Mansour, Abdulnabi A. Masoud, Khadija M. Ahmad. Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018, 13(1). DOI:https://doi.org/10.51984/joms.v13i1.315

11-   Burkholderia cepacia Complex, an Emerging Nosocomial Pathogen at Health Care Facilities in Sebha, Libya. Saad Shamsi S, A. Elzen A, M. Ahmad K. JoMMID. 2021; 9 (4): 178-184

12-   Prevalence of acid-resistant Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli associated with diarrhea. 2022. Shamsi S. Shamsi, Amira A. Al-Basheer, Fatima S. Alfage, Abdelkader A. Elzen, Khadija M. Ahmad. Acta Microbiologica Hellenica, June 2022, 67(1): 49.

13-   The haploid nature of Candida glabrata is advantageous under harsh conditions. OP Ishchuk, S Polakova, KM Ahmad, P Chakravarthy, SM Wisen, YEAST 32, S215-S215.

14-   Co-infection as a Risk Factor in COVID-19 Mortality Rate. AAA Senussi, KM Ahmad - Journal of Medical Sciences, vol 17 No. 1 (2022).

15-   Detecation of foodborne microbes in distrbuted eggs within the city of Misurata, Libya. 2023. Rasha R. Shaaib; Ibrahim A. Teka ; Khdija M. Ahmed. Journal of Academic Research (Applied Sciences),.24, 2023

16-   Antibiotics Resistance among Nosocomial Burkholderia cepacia Isolates Detected in Sebha, Libya. Shamsi S. Shamsi , Khadija M. Ahmad, Abdelkader A. Elzen. J Med Bacteriol. Vol. 11, No. 1, 2 (2023): pp.11-18 jmb.tums.ac.ir

17-   Evaluation of four commercial COVID-19 diagnostic RT-PCR kits used in Libya. 2023. Khadija M. Ahmad, Shamsi S Shamsi, Mohammed B Alsubbi, Ali A. Aldalouli, Hamad A Almahdi, Alkeelani M M Alkeelani, and Ibrahim A. Mohamed. SEBHA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES. VOL.18NO.12023DOI:10.51984/JOMS.V18I1.2600. doi.org/10.51984/joms.v18i1.2600

·      Reviewer at different local and international journals

·      Journal of medical Science SUMJ:  Managing Editor 2019-2024

·      Member at ethical approval committee 2023

·      Libyan medical research center Journal  2022-2023


1-    International conference on Arginine and Pyrimidines, Lund, Sweden 2006.

2-    EMBO Conference Series Experimental Approaches to Evolution and Ecology in Yeast, Heidelberg, 2010 (poster presentation).

3-     EMBO conference - Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms - San Feliu de Guixols, Spain – 15th – 20th October 2011(poster presentation).

4-    18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, Berlin, Germany (poster presentation).

5-    National conference of hospital infection prevention & control 4-5 March 2017/ Misrata, Libya

6-    First international conference on science and technology (1st ICST-2018)

7-    10 days course in the infection control, Sebha Medical center.

8-    Breast cancer research conference, 2019 Tripoli

9-    The 7th Libyan Medical Science conference October 2022/ Zawia Libya. Scientific committee member

10- Scientific committee of 6th international conference on science and technology 2/3- 10/ 2023

DNA extraction, RNA extraction, PCR and DNA purification, RT-qPCR, Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), Southern Blotting, Northern blotting, Phylogeny Microbial gentics : DNA construction, Plasmid extraction and transformation, Primer design        

Research interest:

Antibiotic resistance, combination therapy (Synergism) - Nosocomial infection prevention and control

Infectious diseases 

Study of Sexual transmitted diseases 

·      2023 till now: Vice dean of faculty of medicine Sebha university

·      Associate Professor at medical microbiology

·      2023-2021 officer of infection control department Sebha medical center

-The head of PCR unit at Sebha medical center

- TOT  for IPC In Sebha medical Center during CORONA pandemic 

·      National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Tripoli Collaboration


·      2022-2020 Collaboration at pharmacy

- 2016-2020  teaching at microbiology/ faculty of medicine

·      PhD Thesis title: Genome dynamics and virulence in the human pathogen Candida glabrata 2014.

·      March 2014:  PhD degree, Specialization in genetic/  Lund University, Sweden.

·      2009/ PhD study at Lund university/ Sweden

·      2006: Biotechnology research center

·      2002- 2005 SHO at Anesthesia department  


·      2001-1994 : MBCHB  / Sebah University


المؤهل العلمي الدولة الجامعة السنة
بكالوريوس Libya Sebha University 2000
ماجستير Sweden Lund University 2011
الدكتوراة Sweden Lund University 2014