خالد اعويدات عبدالله سالم



تقويم الاسنان - كلية طب الأسنان-سبها- اعداد طب


الأبحاث المنشورة:-


<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]-->Evolution in maxilla-facial prosthetic materials-Review                   Sebha medical journal  vol 9(2) ,2010

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Magnetic retained two piece orbital prosthesis-case report               Sebha medical journal  vol 9(2) ,2010  

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3.     <!--[endif]-->Implications of Platelet Rich Plasma in an Iatrogenic Periodontal Defect.      Jamahiriya Medical Journal 2010:10(2)151-153. (Indexed in WHO medicus index, Elsevier index)    

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4.     <!--[endif]-->Unilateral soft tissue impaction of maxillary and mandibular permanent premolars: a case report      International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, 2012/10/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5.     <!--[endif]-->Hereditary Nonsyndromic Gingival Fibromatosis: Report of Family Case Series.             Case Reports  in Dentistry, 2013,   

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->6.     <!--[endif]-->Dietary micronutrients and periodontal health: An update.               Dent Hypotheses 2013; 4:108-9   

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->7.     <!--[endif]-->Descriptive analysis of toothbrushing used as an aid for primary prevention:a population-based study in Sebha,Libya.       Soc Work Public Health. 2013;28(6)

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->8.     <!--[endif]-->Endo-Perio Lesions.                                International J Sci and Tech Res 2013: 2;   5:268-274.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->9.     <!--[endif]-->Dental caries status among 6–14 years old school going children of Sebha city, Libya     J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent, 2013/1/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->10.  <!--[endif]-->Towards designing effective scientific research                   Dentistry and Medical Research, 2013/1/1  

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->11.  <!--[endif]-->Association between mental well-being, depression, and periodontal attachment level among young adults of the postwar Sebha city, Libya: A pilot study     Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine2014/7

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->12.  <!--[endif]-->Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Periodontitis- A Review.               Dent Med Res 2014;

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->13.  <!--[endif]-->Oral self-care practices and self-assessment of dental health reported by the dental students from Sebha (Libya)           J Dent Res Sci Dev , 2014/7/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->14.  <!--[endif]-->A study of lip print patterns among adults of Sebha city, Libya                                                Journal of forensic dental sciences , 7,  2015/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->15.  <!--[endif]-->Differences in Candidal Carriage and Speciation Among Diabetic Smokers, Diabetic Nonsmokers and Controls: A Study         Universal Research Journal Of Dentistry, 2015 

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->16.  <!--[endif]-->Supernumerary Premolars And Fourth Molars – A Nonsyndromic Bilateral Presentation In A  Male Libyan Patient            CIBTech Journal of Surgery ISSN: 2319-3875 (Online), 2015,

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->17.  <!--[endif]-->Traumatic chemical oral ulceration Aspirin burn case report from Libya                     CIB Tech J Surg , 2016

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->18.  <!--[endif]-->Nonsyndromic familial oligodontia: A case series from Libya                   Universal Research Journal of Dentistry, 2016/9/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->19.  <!--[endif]-->Hepatitis B: Knowledge and attitude of graduating dentists from faculty of dentistry, Sebha University, Libya      Dentistry and Medical Research, 2017/1/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->20.  <!--[endif]-->Ebola virus disease: What should a dentist know? a brief review                   Dentistry and Medical Research, 2017/7/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->21.  <!--[endif]-->The Association between Teeth Loss and Oral Health Problems.        Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15, 2021/1/1  

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->22.  <!--[endif]-->OSTEOGENESE PAR DISTRACTION OSSEUSE ALVEOLAIRE POUR PREPARATION DE PLACEMENT DES IMPLANTS :UNE REVUE SYSTAMATIC      African Journal of Dentistry and Implantology(AJDI),October 2021   

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->23.  <!--[endif]-->Ectopic Third Molar Associated With Dentigerous Cyst in Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report                   Indian Journal of Public Health , 13, 2022/1

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->24.  <!--[endif]-->Prevalence of Developmental Dental Anomalies in A Sample of Adult Libyan Patients: Orthopantomographic Study         Libyan Journal of Dentistry. 2022;6(1): -45-51

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->25.  <!--[endif]-->Clinical Assessment of Postoperative Hypersensitivity of Posterior Composite Restorations: Effect of a Cavity Liner          Sebha medical journal  VOL.17 NO. 1 2022



الكتب المنشورة  :


<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1.    <!--[endif]-->Perio-Quest: MCQS and Self-assessment Pictorial Tests in Periodontics (Book)          Emmess Medical Publisher   2014


<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Book chapter: Essentials Of PERIODONTICS & ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY
Published by Dr. Syed Wali Peeran and Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam


Saranraj JPS Publication,
Tamil Nadu, India

1st Edition 2021
ISBN: 978-81-950475-4-3


الانشطة االعملية و المهنية


طبيب اسنان- وزارة الصحة     - 1997  لغاية  2008

اخصائي تقويم اسنان – القطاع الخاص     2008- الي الان

رئيس اللجنة العلمية للمؤتمر الليبي الخامس لطب الاسنان  سبها     2009

عضو في جمعية تقويم الاسنان الفرنسية   (FSODF)                   2013

عضو في الجمعية العالمية لتجميل الوظيفي للابتسامة و التقويم ( ISFESO)      2013
عضو في جمعية تقويم الاسنان الليبية                              2016

نائب الرئيس الثاني لمنظمة عمداء كليات الاسنان الافريقية         2022
مقيم معتمد للبحوث العلمية في عدة مجلات محلية  في تخصص طب الاسنان

عضو في لجنة تحرير مجلة طب الاسنان و الزراعة الافريقية (African Journal of dentistry and implantology (AJDI).)
رئيس الجمعية العالمية لايحاث طب الاسنان-الفرع الليبي

عضو اللجنة العلمية للمؤتمر الليبي BITE SIZE III بنغازي 2022

استاذ متعاون مع قسم امراض الفم بجامعة Saveetha Dental Colleg and Hospitals  مدينة شيناي (Chennai) الهند 2022

عضو هيئة تحرير مجلة جامعة سبها الطبية  JOMS    


المشاركات باوراق بحثية و عرضها :

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]--> Syed Wali Peeran , K.A.Abdalla, P.G.Naveen Kumar Paper entitled “Periodontal Status among Population of Sebha,Libya using CPITN” presented at the Fifth Annual Libyan Dental Conference, Sebha, Libya, held from 14th to 16th April, 2009.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Syed Wali Peeran, K.A.Abdalla, P.G.Naveen Kumar Paper entitled “Oral Hygiene Practices among General Population of Sebha, Libya” presented at the Fifth Annual Libyan Dental Conference, Sebha, Libya, held from 14th to 16th April, 2009.

A,Ben salem,khaled Awidat, F.Jemmali, H.Mabrouk, A.Elyemni Paper entitled “Bisphosphonate et orthodontie” presented at journee de formation post-universitaire,Theme l’antibiotherapie       19/10/2013 CHU F.Hached sousse -tunis



المؤتمرات العلمية,برامج التعليم الطبي المستمر  و الدورات التدريبية :-


<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1.    <!--[endif]-->Fourth Annual Libyan Dental Conference held at Misurata, Libya from 22 to 24th April, 2008.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2.    <!--[endif]-->Presedent of the scientific committee  of Fifth Annual Libyan Dental Conference held at Sebha, Libya from 14th to16th April, 2009.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3.    <!--[endif]-->“Advanced Course in Dental Implantology” conducted by BEGO ACADEMIA Implantology, Germany at Sebha University, Libya from 20th  to 23th May, 2009.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4.    <!--[endif]-->.First scientific day of the arab medical university   held at Benghazy Libya  2010

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5.    <!--[endif]-->16TH scientific congress of dental faculty  held at  Monister  Tunis 2010

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->6.    <!--[endif]--> 17TH scientific congress of dental faculty  held at  Monister  Tunis  2012

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->7.    <!--[endif]--> Alexandria international congress (AIDC 2012) held at  Alexandria Egypt 2012

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->8.    <!--[endif]-->workshop in AIDC 2012(complication of implant dentistry from diagnosis to treatment) held at  Alexandria Egypt 2012

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->9.    <!--[endif]-->Continues development and improvement of skills in the work held at Cario          2012(Arab Administrative Development Organization)

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->First international meeting for development of the orthodontics held at Djerba Tunis 2013

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->Diploma of invisaligne held at Djerba Tunis 2013

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->first Libyan international congress   held at Tripoli Libya   2013

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]--> second Libyan international congress  held at Tripoli Libya   2013

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->workshop of dental implantology(DENTURUM) held at Munigh Germany    2014

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->المؤتمر العلمي الطبي الثالث حول المسؤولية   الطبية      طرابلس                    2014

3rd  conference of deans of dental schools of Africa     Marrakech  MORROC        2018



   الوضع الحالي






جامعة سبها

طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

استاذ  في تقويم الاسنان و بيولوجيا الفم

جامعة سبها

طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

رئيس قسم بيولوجيا الفم

جامعة سرت+ جامعة بنغازي +جامعة الزاوية
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طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

ممتحن خارجي لطلبة البكالوريوس

تقويم الاسنان

جامعة سبها + جامعة بنغازي
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طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

منسق الدراسات العليا



 المناصب السابقة : 




جامعة سبها

طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

عميد الكلية   ( 2016-2019)

جامعة سبها


طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

وكيل الكلية ( 2008 – 2015)

جامعة سبها
<!-- [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->


طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

رئيس قسم التقويم ( 2008 – 2013)

جامعة سبها

طب و جراحة الفم و الاسنان

مدير مكتب ضمان الجودة ( 2012-2015)

المؤهل العلمي الدولة الجامعة السنة
بكالوريوس Libya University of Benghazi 1996
ماجستير France Université de Nantes 2003
الدكتوراة France Université de Nantes 2007