المبروك حسين السنوسي عمر
أستاذ مشارك
Differential Equations (Mathematical Modelling ) - كلية العلوم- الرياضيات
1. Omar, A. H. A and S. A. Trina, Varity of Commutative Quasi Groups, Second Basic Sciences Conference. (04-08) Nov. 2007, Tripoli Libya.
2. Omar, A. H. A. and Abu-Hasan, Y. (2010). Uncertainty in the initial population of a predator-prey model, In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences pp. 606-613.
3. Omar, A. H. A. and Abu-Hasan, Y. (2011). The interaction of predator prey with uncertain initial population sizes, Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis (JQMA) 7(2): 75-83.
4. Omar, A. H. A. and Abu-Hasan, Y. (2012a). Numerical simulations of the SIR epidemic model with random initial states, International Conference on Computer Engineering & Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS) pp. 49-53.
5. Omar, A. H. A. and Abu-Hasan, Y. (2012b). Numerical solution of fuzzy differential equations and the dependency problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation 219(3): 1263-1272.
6. Omar, A. H. A. and Y. A. Hasan, “Numerical simulations of an SIR epidemic model with random initial states,” SCIENCEASIA, vol. 39, pp. 42-47, 2013.
7. Omar, A.H.A., I.A.A. Ahmed, and Y.A. Hasan, The Fuzzy Ratio Prey-Predator Model. International Journal of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJCSEE) 2015. 1(2320–4028): p. 3.
8. Omar, A.H.A., Ahmed, I.A.A., Stability of Fuzzy Lotka -Voltira Model Using Liapunov Function. Journal of Academic Research. (2016) 6 (601-616)
9. Omar, A.H.A., Ahmed, I.A.A., Fifth Order Improved Runge-Kutta Method for Random Initial Value Problems. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, (2017) 16(2)
10. Omar, A.H.A., Ahmed, I.A.A., Randomness Effect on a Fish Population Model Using Gumbel Distribution, First International Conference on Science and Technology (2018) 17 (1)
11. SMA Almabrok, AHA Omar, Some properties of fuzzy path connected Topological spaces, Sebha University Journal of pure & Applied sciences (JOPAS) (2019) 18 (4)
12. KM Am hammed Omar, AHA Omar, Some Properties of Fuzzy Path Connected Topological Spaces, Sebha University Journal of pure & Applied sciences (JOPAS), (2019) 18 (4).
13. Ahmed, I. A. A., Omar, A. H. A., & Ali, J. M. (2022). Arabic Font Design Using Quadratic Bezier-Like Curve. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 50-56.
14. Omar, A. H. A., & Ahmed , I. A. A. (2023). The Ratio Predator-Prey Model with Random Initial Conditions. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(1), 5–11. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v22i1.1798
15. Abuziyan, F., Omar, A., Ahmed, I., & kilani, M. (2023). A Numerical Study for Uncertainty in two Predators-One Prey Model. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(3), 191–196.
16. kilani, M., Omar, A., Ahmed, I., & Abuzaiyan, F. (2023). The Quadratic Trigonometric Bezier like Curve With two Shape Parameters. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(3), 215–221.
- Calculus I
- Set Theory I
- Set Theory II
- Linear Algebra I
- Linear Algebra II
- Abstract Algebra I
- Abstract Algebra II
- Abstract Algebra I and II
- Functional Analysis
- General Topology
- Linear Algebra I and II
- Calculus I
- Calculus IV (Sequences and Series)
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Advanced Algebra
- Advanced Topology
- Topics in Algebra (Lattice Theory and Fuzzy Theory)
- Topics in Differential Equations (Mathematical Modelling)
- Mathematical Engineering
- Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Research Methodology
postgraduate Supervision
1. Sukaina Mahmod Ali Almabrok, Comparison of Path Connectedness in Crisp and Fuzzy Topological Spaces, graduated 2022
2. Khadija Mohammed Am hammed Omar, Comparison of Compactness in Crisp and Fuzzy Topological Spaces, graduated 2022
3. Khadeejah Hamed Mohammed ALheerish, Comparison of Connectedness in Crisp and Fuzzy Topological Spaces, graduated 2023
4. Fatima Alzahraa Mohammed Ali Abuziyan, Uncertainty in two Predators-one Prey Model, graduated 2023
5. Mabroukah Aboulqasim Mohammed kilani, The Quadratic Trigonometric Bezier Like Curve with two Shape Parameters, graduated 2023
Workshops Attended
1. A 6-Hours Mathematica Workshops 2010, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 2/8/2010
2. USM Alternative Track of PhD Examination, ips, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. 25/11/2011
3. Short Course on Chaose Cryptography, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 15-31/4/2011.
4. Calculus Without Limits Course. School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 16 Aug – 2 Sep. 2010.
5. Workshop Research Methodology and Scientific Writing for Mathematical Sciences, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 14/1/2012.
6. Workshop Research Methodology and Scientific Writing for Mathematical Sciences, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 26-27 Nov. 2010.
7. LaTeX 2010 workshop, School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 19-20 Oct. 2010.
8. LaTeX 2011 workshop, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 18-19 July 2011.
9. Short Course-Complex Analysis, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 18-22 April 2011.
10. Short Course-Functional Analysis, School of mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang. Hold on 18-22 April 2011.
Also, I participated in many workshops and quality committees, under my position at work as head of department, then deputy faculty, then director of postgraduate studies at the university, and then as deputy Information Development Center of Sebha University.
- Numerical fuzzy and Random Differential Equations,
- Uncertainty,
- Mathematical Modeling
- Fuzzy Topology
- Soft Sets
- Fuzzy Bi-topology
- 1. 2006 – 2007, Head of Department of Mathematics Higher Institute for Teacher Education, Sebha University.
- Oct. 2013- May 2017, Head of Department of Mathematics, faculty of sciences Sebha University.
- 2. Vice Dean Faculty of Sciences Sebha University May 2017 until Aug. 2018.
- Director of Postgraduate Studies and Training of Sebha University, since Aug. 2018 - 2022.
- 4. Coordinator of the academic process in the Sebha University electronic system since September 2022
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the First international Conference on Science and Technology. Sebha University.
- Member of the scientific committee of the first virtual conference for distance education. Online, Sebha University.
- Member of the Preparatory Committee for the Second Virtual International Conference 2020, Under the slogan: The effects of the Corona pandemic on the economy and politics. Sebha University.
- Member of the Preparatory Committee for the Fourth Conference of Postgraduate Studies 2020. Sebha University.
- Member of the Preparatory Committee for the First Scientific Symposium on Technical Support for the Covid-19. Online, Sebha University.
9. Member of the Technical Committee for the Second Scientific Symposium on Technical Support, COVID-19. Online, Sebha University. - 10. Member of the Graduate Studies Committee at Sebha University since August 2018.
- Member of the evaluation committee of Sebha University classification.
- Membership of several technical committees for the information development project of Sabha University.
- A certified trainer at the University's Training and Development Center. Sebha University.
- The main admin on the postgraduate website of Sebha University.
- 15. Member of the Libyan Universities Ranking Committee 2020.
- 16. Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Fourth Conference of Science and Technology.
- Member of the General Committee for Postgraduate Studies in Libya, 2021.
- Member of the Committee of the First Forum of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sebha University. 2021
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the sixth international Conference on Science and Technology. Sebha University.
- عضو اللجنة العليا للمنظومة الموحد للجامعات الليبية 2022 حتى الان
- المنسق الاكاديمي وكيل مركز التطوير المعلوماتي بجامعة سبها 2022 حتى 2024
- مساعد مدير مركز التطوير المعلوماتي بالجامع من 2024 حت الان
- 24.Member of the Scientific Committee of the second Conference on Water Resources and Water Security in Libya, Sebha Libya 12/2024.
المؤهل العلمي | الدولة | الجامعة | السنة |
بكالوريوس | Libya | Sebha University | 1998 |
ماجستير | Libya | University of Benghazi | 2005 |
الدكتوراة | Malaysia | Universiti Sains Malaysia | 2013 |