Environmental science is one of the applied basic sciences whose importance exceeded local and regional boundaries to global concerns, and today interest in the environment, its preservation and protection has become one of the most prominent indicators that indicate awareness and prohibit societies.
The Department of Environmental Sciences was established in 1976, as one of the departments of the Higher Institute of Technology under Law No. (69) of 1976. The Institute merged, according to Resolution No. 745 of the restructuring of universities, issued in 1991, with the Higher Engineering School of Sebha University, under the name of the College of Engineering and Technical Sciences in Brak. The mission of the Department of Environmental Sciences lies in securing a high scientific and technical level that contributes to preparing qualified cadres able to compete in the labor market and contribute to achieving development, preserving the environment and creating an appropriate climate for scientific research. The department specializes in teaching materials related to environmental science, and includes a group of laboratories and scientific laboratories equipped with various scientific devices and seeks to develop by providing laboratories with more specialized devices to enable students to have full knowledge of environmental issues and gain practical experience necessary to diagnose and solve environmental problems, in addition to developing curricula By updating the courses that are in direct contact with the concerns and problems of the environment and keeping abreast of scientific and technical developments.
A group of faculty, specialists, and technicians specializing in the field of ecology who are capable of qualifying graduates of the department at various academic levels belongs to the Department of Environmental Sciences, with two academic programs (Bachelor and Master) available and awaiting the opening of the doctoral program.
Throughout the Department’s march during the past forty years, the Department of Environmental Sciences has been a pioneer in the educational, academic and research field and distinguished among the scientific community. He has actively contributed to the development of society through providing support to graduates with high qualifications, and building institutions that serve society, in the fields of scientific and technical studies and applied research.
Dr. Aisha Ramadan Mohamed
Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences
About the section
تأسس قسم علوم البيئة عام (1977) ضمن الاقسام العلمية للمعهد العالي للتقنية (سابقا) براك ، بهدف اعداد خريجين من حملة الدرجة الجامعية الاولى (بكالوريوس) والدرجة العالية (الماجستير) في مجال علم البيئة لنشر الوعي البيئي وتأهيل كوادر قادرة على المساهمة في تنفيذ الخطط التنموية ، بالإضافة الى تقديم الاستشارات واجراء البحوث ذات العلاقة بمجال العلوم البيئية . الاهتمام بالمشاكل البيئية المحلية والاقليمية والعالمية والاتصال بالهيئات والمنظمات الدولية من اجل دراسة ومتابعة العديد من المشاكل وتأسيس قاعدة معلومات تختص بهذا العلم ، بالاضافة الى الاتصال والتشاور مع مراكز البحوث والجمعيات المتخصصة داخل ليبيا وخارجها بشان وضع المقترحات والحلول للمشاكل المشتركة ، وتحريض مؤسسات المجتمع على خلق قوانين وتشريعات بيئية للحفاظ على الاجواء والشواطئ والاراضي الليبية والمحافظة على التنوع الحيوي من نباتات والأحياء البرية والبحرية والطيور النادرة بهدف المحافظة على البيئة والتنمية المستدامة … وينتمي الى قسم علوم البيئة صفوة من رواد بيت الخبرة الليبية في مجالات علوم البيئة من الاساتذة الجامعيين و الاستشاريين والباحثين منتشرون في كافة ربوع بلادنا الحبيبة .