تعرف الهندسة الميكانيكية كاختصاص هندسي يتضمن تطبيق للمبادئ الفيزيائية من أجل تحليل وتصميم وتصنيع وصيانة الأنظمة الميكانيكية. يتطلب اختصاص الهندسة الميكانيكية فهم عميق للمبادئ الأساسية في: نظريات عمل الآلات، العلوم الحرارية والطاقة؛ وذلك لتصميم أنظمة التبريد والتسخين، الأجهزة المنزلية، المعدات الصناعية والماكينات، ألخ…
The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering is one of the oldest departments of the Faculty of Engineering and Technical Sciences which was established in 1988.
The department offers multiple distinguished programs in mechanical and industrial engineering specialties, including: mechanical design, advanced manufacturing, materials engineering, control and vibrations, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, adaptation and cooling and conventional and alternative energy generation systems, economic and environmental studies.
The department is run by a distinguished cadre of highly trained professors, engineers and technicians with great experience in the field of scientific research and teaching. This reflects the important scientific production presented by the department, which is represented by authoring methodological books and original scientific research published in specialized international journals. The department also organized and participated during this period in several international and local conferences and prestigious scientific forums that bear witness to the scientific excellence of the department's educational staff.
The department is run by a distinguished cadre of highly trained professors, engineers and technicians with great experience in the field of scientific research and teaching. This reflects the important scientific production presented by the department, which is represented by authoring methodological books and original scientific research published in specialized international journals. The department also organized and participated during this period in several international and local conferences and prestigious scientific forums that bear witness to the scientific excellence of the department's educational staff.
. Dr Yasir Fathi Nassar
Head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
College of Engineering and Technical Sciences - Sebha University
Sebha University
Barak Al-Shati - Libya
About the department
أقسم الهندسة الميكانيكية عام 1988 في كلية الهندسة – جامعة سبها. وفي عام 1992 دُمج المعهد العالي للتقنية وكلية الهندسة تحت مسمى كلية العلوم الهندسية والتقنية في مدينة براك الشاطئ.
The department aims to achieve a high and distinguished level of engineering education that keeps pace with advanced scientific and technical development. In addition, the department seeks real participation to meet the country's needs of qualified technical cadres of engineers and researchers in various fields of mechanical engineering specialization.
The graduate engineer from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the College of Engineering and Technical Science possesses scientific and practical knowledge to implement engineering plans, programs and projects that play an important role in the development of the local community. Where the student is prepared during his scientific career in the department to prepare him to be familiar with the basics of engineering sciences and its various applications, each according to his specialization. Also during the study, the student performs many laboratory experiments and tests in most subjects, in addition to scientific trips and summer training in factories, industrial facilities and power plants, which would increase the technical level of students and get to know first-hand what is happening inside these facilities.