Teenage girl with headphones having online school class at home

Since 2016, DAAD Tunisia in cooperation with DAAD Cairo Academy ( http://dka.daadcairo.org ) offers training modules in Tunisia. We are pleased to announce that DAAD Tunisia will organize two special online modules:

The first module is specially online. Name: “University Examinations and Digital Question Banks” : It will be held on June 29, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., online. Target group: Master’s and doctoral students from the following countries: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. You will find the module description here: Module Description

If you would like to apply, Go through this link: https://www.daad.de/surveys/451437?

The second special online module is called: “Digital Transformation in Higher Education” : It will be held on June 30, 2021, from 9 am to 3 pm, online. Target group: PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers and university faculty members from the following countries: Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. You will find the unit description here: Unit description

If you would like to apply, Go through this link: https://www.daad.de/surveys/846626?

Training courses will be held entirely in English, Proficiency in English (B2) is essential for participation.

Selection of candidates is based on their matching of required qualifications. Only accepted candidates will be invited to participate.! Application deadline: 13.06.2021

Best regards, DAAD Tunisia Office Website: www.daad.tn Facebook: DAAD Tunisia

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