The Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the opening of competition for scholarships launched by the Islamic Development Bank for the academic year 2020 – 2021 AD. The program aims to provide educational opportunities for academically distinguished students from member countries of the Islamic Development Bank and Islamic communities in non-member countries. To continue studying to obtain a bachelor’s degree, And master’s and doctorate, And postdoctoral research.
Considering that the State of Libya is a member of the Bank and one of the founding countries, The opportunity has been made available to a segment of Libyan academics and new graduates to benefit from scholarships offered by the Islamic Development Bank from time to time, provided that they meet the criteria required by applicants and enter into competition with citizens of other countries that are available to benefit from this program.
Admission requirements :-
First: Scholarship program for university studies:-
• He must be a citizen of one of the Bank’s member states or from Muslim communities in non-member states.
• Must have a high school diploma or be registered in one of the top 10 public universities.
• He must have obtained at least 70% in the final cumulative average in the secondary school certificate.
• A field of study must be chosen within the program’s approved specializations.
• Not to be a beneficiary of any other scholarship.
• He must be healthy and ready to undergo medical examinations after his selection.
Required Documents :-
1- A copy of the passport.
2- A copy of the birth certificate.
3- A copy of a medical report indicating health suitability (optional).
4 – Transcript of secondary school certificate.
5 – English language proficiency certificate (optional).
• To know everything related to the scholarship for the bachelor’s category, you can see this in the link below
Second: Master’s Scholarship Program:-
• He must be a citizen of one of the Bank’s member states or from Muslim communities in non-member states.
• The candidate must have a bachelor’s degree with a grade higher than “good.”
• A field of study must be chosen within the program’s approved specializations.
• Not to be a beneficiary of any other scholarship.
• He must be healthy and prepared to undergo medical examinations after his selection.
• Required Documents :-
1- A copy of the passport.
2- A copy of the CV.
3- A copy of a medical report indicating health suitability (optional).
4-3 letters of recommendation.
5- Practical experience certificate (optional).
6 – A copy of the bachelor’s degree graduation certificate attached to the transcript.
7 – A copy of the master’s graduation certificate attached to the transcript.
8 – Initial university acceptance document (optional).
9 – English language proficiency certificate (optional).
10 – Research plan for the master’s thesis, complete in PDF format.
To know everything related to the scholarship for the master’s category, you can see the link below.
Third: Doctoral and post-doctoral research programme:
• He must be a citizen of one of the Bank’s member states or from Muslim communities in non-member states.
• The candidate must have a master’s degree in one of the fields of study included in the program.
• He must have obtained a rating of no less than “Very Good”.
• It is preferable to have professional/research experience.
• He must have a research proposal in one of the fields of study covered by the program in which he explains the scientific and developmental importance of his research to society.
• He must be healthy and prepared to undergo medical examinations after his selection.
• Required Documents :-
1- A copy of the passport.
2- A copy of the birth certificate.
3- A copy of a medical report indicating health suitability (optional).
4-3 letters of recommendation.
5- Practical experience certificate (optional).
6 – A copy of the bachelor’s degree graduation certificate attached to the transcript.
7- University admission document (optional).
8 – English language proficiency certificate (optional).
9 – A research plan for a full doctoral thesis in PDF format.
To know everything related to the scholarship for the doctoral category, you can see this in the link below.
Important notes:-
1 – Candidates wishing to apply for the announced scholarships must visit the bank’s website: www.isdb.org to fill out the application form and attach the required documents as mentioned in the application form, Also, read complete and detailed information about admission requirements and how to apply
Applications, benefits, facilities, and university names.
2 – The process of comparison and sorting between applications for grants is carried out by two independent international selection committees assigned by the Bank, and the Bank’s role is limited to approving and announcing the results of the comparison in order to ensure transparency and impartiality in the selection process.
3 – The deadline for applying and sending the application form is no later than February 28, 2021 AD.
4 – Link to apply for the scholarship:-
To know how to fill out the participation request form (application), please enter the following link: