Global survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education

The International Cooperation Office at Sebha University invites faculty members to participate in the global survey of the impact of Covid-19 on higher education presented by the International Association of Universities and the Association of Euro-Mediterranean Universities.

To participate, Please visit this link:


Your contribution is essential to allow the International Association of Universities and the Association of Euro-Mediterranean Universities to conduct an analysis focusing on the southern Mediterranean. It aims to collect substantive data on the ways global higher education systems have been affected by the pandemic from an institutional perspective.


IU seeks to respond to the concerns of universities and other higher education institutions in the current context by providing evidence-based data to underscore the seriousness of the impact of COVID-19 on higher education and society at a global level.


The findings of the survey report are presented at the next UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (scheduled for 2022) – an intergovernmental stakeholder event aimed at defining the future of higher education.

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