Sebha University Conference Proceedings Sebha University en-US Sebha University Conference Proceedings The Mica Philly Principle and Political Corruption in Society <p>This research dealt with one of the major issues that most societies suffer from. It is the issue of corruption in general and political corruption in particular. It is one of the issues of importance, specifically at the local level, where it has pervaded the structures of the state administrative, political, economic and even social. It forced us to look for its causes and mechanisms to combat it. Some rulers and politicians have taken principles that may have been useful in the&nbsp; time and their owners, but they are far from our current time, and completely contrary to our morals and principles, and go beyond it. For our true religion, it is not constrained by custom or conscience, including the principle of the end justifying the means to Mika Philly. They found their way, justifying their abhorrent actions and maintaining their authority to show the extent to which our rulers are influenced by this principle. They are accused of managing the affairs of the state that led to political corruption, and asked to Indicate ways to combat this corruption.</p> Masouda Ali Muhammad Salem Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 120 128 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2614 The impact of corruption on political instability Libyan case study <p>Corruption is one of the phenomena that affect the continuity of societies and lead to disruption of their development plans. Intellectuals embraced the disease and called for fighting it, and corruption is found in most societies, and it has several forms, including bribery and fraud. &nbsp;Fraud, favoritism and nepotism, and political corruption is considered the most important of them because in its presence it is present in a number of species. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Corruption is not only bad for much, but it can clog the political process and limit the process of reaching harm. &nbsp;It increases wars, feuds, and political amalgamation, with the absence of citizens in the political system and its institutions, &nbsp;And it leads to chaos and lack of continuity in society.</p> <p>&nbsp;In the case of Libya, the effect of corruption, and the fact that Lewis was a third anti-terrorist that did not seek to reach the intrusions and calm down, where the moi began &nbsp;The various political struggles in gaining the loyalty of Al-Mawy by unleashing their hands on corruption in all its forms and types in order to ensure &nbsp;Its protection and continuity in power, in the money, is a guarantee of his loyalty. &nbsp;Al-Mawy created a kind of disagreement between the conflicting political groups in order for them to continue to carry out their work. &nbsp;It reaped material and moral interests, and became a bargaining chip over the process of political continuity, and formed an armed group to impose &nbsp;It is her will, no one reaches the rule except through her, and he does not continue to perform his duty and perform his duties except when he protects its purpose, and the exchange &nbsp;Peace over power has become a fantasy, because the groups are the actors who control the state and its resources, and they have become &nbsp;It controls the assignment of officials, ambassadors, and representatives of the state. Rather, the matter has come to the ministers’ assignment only to submit to it, and no place &nbsp;For those who govern Libya except with what is provided to it, in order to be protected and to extend a helping hand to him, so that corruption has become a system that does not control the destiny of Libya. &nbsp;The state, and the culture of society does not fight the corrupt, rather they have a prestigious place in society, although religious scruples forbid &nbsp;About humiliation and called to fight it</p> Alfeetouri Alsati Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 239 249 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2776 The role of administrative transparency in reducing administrative corruption in Libyan public institutions from the point of view of the employees of the National Anti-Corruption Authority in the region <p>This study aimed to identify the role played by administrative transparency in reducing administrative corruption in Libyan public institutions from the point of view of the employees of the National Anti-Corruption Authority in the southern region. It also tries to find out whether there are elements of administrative transparency in it. This study works to identify the effects of administrative corruption on public institutions in the southern region. The data for the study was collected through a questionnaire, which included (50) items, The statistical program (SPSS) was used to process the data statistically. The study concluded that administrative transparency in Libyan public institutions is low, which may greatly help administrative corruption. It also found the need to work with administrative transparency to reduce administrative corruption. Accordingly, the study concluded that Libyan public institutions should work to improve administrative transparency in them by ensuring the provision of sufficient information to all relevant parties and working to put in place strong regulations and laws that would be a warning to those who violate them. It also led to the establishment of clear and known standards for all; to facilitate the accountability process, facilitate work procedures and make them clearer.</p> Abdullah Al-Senussi Mihoub Al-Issawi Mohamed Ali Al-Taher Abdo Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 228 238 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2775 Financial corruption represented in spending and economic growth rates (Evidence from Libya for the period from 1990 to 2020) <p>This study aimed to identify financial corruption represented in excessive spending and its relationship to levels of economic growth. The study used the descriptive analysis method by analyzing and describing the time series data under study. It is also supported by standard analysis using cointegration tests and the Granger causality test. The results showed that there is a relationship in the long and short terms and that the relationship is unidirectional, moving from output to spending, according to the Granger causality test. This result summarized the reality of the Libyan economy and was opposed to the basics of economic theories. The increase in spending exceeded the increase in output, which resulted in a deficit in resources and an increase in pressure on bank reserves.</p> Alhadi Almbeouk Hussein Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 220 227 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2774 The spread of corruption and the problem of political division in Libya <p>The international community is increasingly interested in corruption crimes. I consider their ‎danger to economic and social stability, and the value and moral systems in the world. We ‎see the international community addressing the dangers of spreading corruption, and this ‎is shown through what international organizations are doing. whose regulations and ‎regulations related to the prevention of this crime, combating the acts associated with it, ‎punishing its perpetrators, and activating the role of civil society in combating corruption. ‎Its role in combating corruption and identifying the causes and types of corruption, and ‎what are the mechanisms that are used in this field, and identifying the challenges that ‎hinder civil society institutions in carrying out their role in facing the dangers of corruption. ‎Corruption is a humanitarian and national task in which everyone participates. - Reducing ‎the unemployment rate and providing job opportunities in a way that secures stability for ‎all members of society. - Setting strict laws to impose penalties against the perpetrators of ‎corruption. - Working on most of the seminars and awareness programs, with a focus on ‎suppressing the religious scruples of the communit.</p> Nezha Mohammad Mohammad Othman Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 212 219 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2773 The spread of corruption and the problem of political division in Libya <p>The research aims to try to reveal the extent of the impact of the political division on the phenomenon of corruption, specifically by monitoring the reality of the performance of the three legislative, executive and judicial authorities, where the descriptive approach and the systems approach were adopted considering that corruption affects and is affected by many surrounding environmental variables, and the case study approach.</p> <p>According to the methodology used in this research, some results have been reached, perhaps the most important of which are: The failure to adhere to the constitutional rules led to the political division, which in turn was one of the important reasons for the spread of the phenomenon of corruption. Issuance of the country's constitution.</p> Amraja Madi Braka Alrjbane Abdalmatlab Abdalmoola Aderis Hamad Ibrahim Ali Muhammad al-Kilani Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 203 211 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2772 work ethics and its relationship to combating administrative corruption “case study on Public Administration of Sebha University” <p>This study aims to know the role of work ethics in combating administrative corruption, this study was applied to a random sample (50) employees of the Public Administration of Sebha University, and the main question of this study was represented in the following question: What is the role of work ethics in combating administrative corruption at Sebha University? The researcher chose the field study, and the data were collected by means of a questionnaire, and the data obtained were analyzed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences&nbsp; (SPSS).the result find out &nbsp;Statistical significance between work ethics and administrative corruption in the public administration, where the correlation coefficient reached (-0.634) with a statistical significance at a significant level (0.01), that employees of the public administration of Sebha University have a high level of work ethics, where the general arithmetic average reached (3.24) with a standard deviation (0.77), which is greater than the average used in the study, Public Administration Sebha University have a low level regarding the dimension of administrative corruption for most of its paragraphs, where the average answer It (2.9487) and the standard deviation (0.8323), this may be attributed to the wages that workers receive is not suitable for them, workers accept the gift offered to them in order to complete transactions quickly, workers do activities other than this job during official working hours. Employees refused to take orders from officials, employees refused to take responsibility such as signing documents.</p> Arrasheid Abduallah Alarrasheid Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 192 202 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2629 Financial administrative corruption, causes and treatment An applied study on the Jumhouria Bank, Sebha branches <p>This study deals with the issue of administrative and financial corruption factors, its causes and treatment as an applied study on the branches of Jumhouria Bank in Sebha. The study relied on a random sample of the study population, represented by the employees of the Jumhouria Bank branch in Sebha, where a questionnaire sheet was distributed for this purpose, and the researchers used the statistical analysis program (SPSS) to analyze the data obtained from the study sample. The study reached a set of results, including that the sample members look at administrative and financial corruption alike, and the difference in gender, educational qualification, work experience, age, and job level has no effect on their opinions about financial and administrative corruption, and poor economic conditions helps the existence of financial corruption. And administrative in the branches of the Jumhouria Bank in Sebha, and that the lack of clarity of the laws and legislation in force and the internal regulations in force in the state and the bank represent an important aspect in the spread of administrative and financial corruption.</p> Ahmed Ebrahim Aswessi Mohamed Khmees Mohamed Khmeed Alhomry SohirFaraj Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 181 191 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2628 The philosophy of educational technology and its negative role in building the knowledge of society <p>Corruption The twenty–first century is the area of the explosion of the information revolution. The world has changed into an electronics village, lies on the electronic nature of the emergence of technology. Society has exchanged opinions and ideas across cross-border temporal and spatial. Many spread modern technologies such as computers, the internet and mobile phones started to be used, despite the many public life and education in particular. However, it has many negative effects on human life and natural phenomena (land-water and air). Excessive use of modern technical devices and attachment to them to the point of electronic addiction corrupts society. This deadly hidden weapon corrupted people and worked to distort the Islamic religion. The study aimed at the philosophy of educational technology and its negative effects on the knowledge-building of society and that the issue of accepting or rejecting technology is no longer optional but rather a matter of awareness of the importance of information technology which turned the scales from positive effects to negative effects corrupting society. Here lies the question, how to confront the challenge and address the negative effects resulting from the misuse of technology?&nbsp; In this research,&nbsp; we explained the extent of society's contribution to spreading technological awareness. We develop solutions to reduce technology risks and knowing the most important problems that obstruct the benefit from the assistances of technology. This done is order to achieve the benefits of the descriptive analytical approach to suit the nature of the research through which the information was analysed to reach desired results and some recommendations.</p> Najih Al-Hadi Muhammad Qashout Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 172 180 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2627 The role of Arab educational institutions in combating societal corruption Focusing on the roles of the family and the school <p>Corruption in general is a complex and complex phenomenon, which includes imbalances that affect the political, economic, social, moral and ethical aspects of society, which need concerted efforts to address and get rid of it. The issue of corruption is not the result of today or yesterday, but rather the result of a number of cumulative factors and causes, and it has become a serious danger to all the institutions of society. Therefore, the phenomenon of corruption must be studied and how to confront it through the various means of education and set educational priorities to combat it.</p> <p>Hence, the current study, which aims to define the concept of societal corruption, investigate the phenomenon, its causes and effects, and then clarify the role of educational institutions in combating this phenomenon so that it can be confronted, reduced, and possibly eliminated.</p> Mehany Mohamed Ghanaiem Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 163 171 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2623 Level of academic and professional integrity among faculty members at Sebha University <p>The current research aims to identify the level of commitment to academic and professional integrity among faculty members in the faculties of sebha university. It also aims to reveal the nature of the relationship between academic integrity and professional integrity. The study sample included (75) faculty members who are studying at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels from various faculties of sebha university (arts, science, commerce and political science, nursing, energy and mining), and appropriate statistical methods and means (spss) were used to analyze and process data. The most important of which are: (arithmetic mean - standard deviation - test (t) - pearson's linear correlation coefficient - spearman's equation to find the stability coefficient for a test). Also, there are no statistically significant differences in the level of academic and professional integrity of a faculty member in the faculties of sebha university, according to the variables (type - the college - academic qualification - experience) while there are significant differences in the level of academic and professional integrity of faculty members in the faculties of sebha university and in the total score of the questionnaire.</p> Maze Mohammed Kaleefa Dhaw Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 152 162 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2618 Politics and its relationship to corruption and its effects on societies <p>Availability and activation of the well and the level of practice and exit from the stage of raising slogans to the stage of action through the activation of laws at the public level, whether from parties of officials tainted by corruption crimes are not subject to a statute of limitations and guarantee the right to protect witnesses and whistleblowers and work on the independence of the judiciary, combating political and electoral corruption strengthening judicial and non-judicial institutions concerned with combating corruption and activating their vole by adapting local laws with the united nations convention against corruption, linking responsibility to accountability, respecting the principle of the rule of law and ensuring equality and equal opportunities for all citizens.</p> Eman Ali Imraja Al-Amami Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 145 151 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2617 The role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the Faculty of Arts at Sebha University From the point of view of the faculty members <p>The research aims to identify the role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the faculty of arts at sebha university from the point of view of faculty members. The researchers adopted the descriptive analytical approach, and the administrative governance questionnaire was applied to a sample of (50) faculty members. The results of the research indicated that: the role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the faculty of arts at sebha university from the point of view of faculty members as a whole was on average. There are statistically significant differences in regulations and laws and participation in the role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the faculty of arts at sebha university. These differences are in favour of males at the expense of females. There are no differences in the field of transparency, administrative accountability, implementation of administrative governance, and the tool as a whole according to the gender variable. There are no statistically significant differences in the role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the faculty of arts sebha university from the point of view of faculty members according to the scientific qualification. Also, there are no statistically significant differences in the field of (regulations and laws, transparency, participation, and implementation of administrative governance) and the tool as a whole in the role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the faculty of arts at sebha university from the point of view of faculty members. According to the variable of the scientific degree, there are differences in the field of administrative accountability and the tool as a whole.&nbsp; And these differences in favour of the degree (lecturer), there are no statistically significant differences in the field of regulations and laws, transparency, participation and the tool as a whole in the role of good administrative governance in reducing administrative and financial corruption in the faculty of arts at sebha university from the point of view of faculty members according to the variable of years of experience. And there are differences in the field of administrative accountability and implementation of administrative governance. These differences are in favour of faculty members whose experience is less than 10 years.</p> Reem Moftah Mohamed Sasi Mona Ali Abdullah Hussein Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 129 144 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2616 The role of community members in combating corruption crimes within the scope of criminal policy <p>The criminal policy in the field of combating corruption crimes has not achieved its objective of protecting society and its members from this type of crime. Despite the criminalization and punishment for it, there are inadequacies in the prevention policy, which leads to the need to conduct scientific studies and research in order to identify defects and defects, and try finding effective scientific solutions to it.</p> <p>The importance of this research is that it shed light on the role and importance of community members in preventing and combating corruption crimes, and activating it in this regard, with the aim of attaining full participation, in a way that contributes to achieving the desired protection for society and its members. This role is important in stopping and avoiding corruption crimes within the scope of the prevention policy. It also has a significant role in confronting and combating these crimes. But this cannot be included in the branches of criminal policy - criminalization, punishment and prevention, because this role differs with the nature of these policies. In some aspects, it can be included within the scope of the prevention policy, as is the case with the role of individuals in putting pressure on state institutions to carry out their functions. However, this role is an important component of the accounting system and falls within its scope.</p> Hesham Amhamed Mohamed Al-Siwi Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 1 10 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2530 The International Criminal Police Organization INTERPOL's Role in the Anti-Corruption <p>This research aims to shed light on INTERPOL's role in the anti-corruption as well as illustrating the most important constraints that it faces. Consequently, firstly, the concept of corruption, and the emergence of INTERPOL were examined. Secondly, the organization's anti-corruption mechanisms were addressed, as well. Therefore, the researcher has adopted the inductive and descriptive approaches. It is noted that INTERPOL has played a dual role in the anti-corruption movement since it was identified as a priority criminal area in 2007. From one hand, INTERPOL seeks to detect and seize the crime of corruption. On the other hand, INTERPOL tries to recover its revenues through its tools that facilitate cooperation and information exchange among Member States' law enforcement agencies. Moreover, INTERPOL provides training and support to its cadres. Nevertheless, INTERPOL faces some challenges that impede its work in anti-crime in general and corruption in particular.</p> Ali Makzoum Mhammed Altoumi Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 109 119 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2595 The extent to which Maghreb countries implement the provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption <p>Maghreb countries - Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya have joined the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). This convention obliges its member states to submit periodic reports on the extent of their implementation and their commitment to the provisions contained in the prevention and control of corruption. On one hand; the reports provide an opportunity to review and demonstrate areas of success and failures. On the other hand, the reports help in identifying the challenges and difficulties faced by these states in adapting their legal system to the provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. This study demonstrates several aspects of the country review process, particularly the review of first cycle implementation, which targets chapters III and V. The paper further focuses on legal and institutional anti-corruption framework and explains protection measures for witnesses, experts and whistle-blowers in cases of reporting corruption. It also clarifies the most recent developments after the presentation of the national reports of Maghreb countries.</p> Serag Edin Ibrahim Elgadiri Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 99 109 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2594 The role of the higher boards of financial oversight and accounting in light of the widespread phenomena of political and institutional division <p>This study sought to shed light on the role of the Libyan Audit Bureau in light of political and institutional schisms, specifically in the context of the Libyan Audit Bureau's advisory and evaluation role, The Bureau has attempted to fill some of the political and institutional voids left by the schisms by urging the subject entities to enact emergency exceptional measures that take the public interest into account. However, despite the Bureau's efforts to reduce corruption and tighten control over various state institutions, the Bureau's efforts have had limited impact due to the spread of institutional schisms and the multiplicity of authorities within the state. For example, the increase in the expenditure indicators in Chapter One by rates exceeding 38% of the total budget, and the resulting inflation in the number of employees in the public sector despite the adoption by the Audit Bureau of many initiatives aimed at institutional development and supporting liaison and communication mechanisms with various stakeholder groups. To achieve the anticipated impact of the Libyan Audit Bureau's role, the study recommended immediate unifying of the institution, ensuring internal stability, and distancing it from political strife. The Bureau must also work to raise awareness among the various stakeholder groups about the nature of the challenges confronting subject entity reform and institutional development, as well as what they must do during this stage. In addition, there is a need for the Bureau to seek to frame governance principles through legislation and bind subject entities to them.</p> Hager Alshibli Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 91 98 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2593 Armed Conflicts And Their Role in Consolidating The Culture Of Child Labor In Libyan Society (Recruitment of Children As A model Of Security Corruption) <p>The current research paper aims to highlight the dangers that Libyan children are exposed to as a result of armed conflicts since (2011) until the present time, the most important of which is recruitment within armed brigades as a form of security corruption. This situation resulted in stripping children of their innocence as they have the right to grow up in a Safe and stable climate. The paper also aims to clarify the negative psychological and social repercussions that may result from security corruption during crises and armed conflicts. Such an issue of corruption requires immediate intervention to protect children from the effects of armed conflicts and achieve human security in society. The study relied on the descriptive approach and the extrapolation of previous studies related to the subject at hand. It reached many results, the most important of which is the association of armed conflicts with many forms of corruption. Perhaps the most important of which is security corruption, and the culture of violence, as such practices have become in light of armed conflicts, as indicated by the studies It indicates that there is a strong positive relationship between child labor and the environment of wars and armed conflicts, based on the main determinants of child labor in the Arab region, which confirmed that this phenomenon arises in societies suffering from crises and associated traumas such as wars and armed conflicts. Among the recommendations, the most important of which are: immediate intervention to protect children from the effects of armed conflicts, work to withdraw this sector of children from armed brigades, and shelter them in state institutions in order to contain these children and return them to their schools and qualify them in all aspects.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Nadia Ali Al-Mahdi Abdlnabi Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 82 90 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2592 The Deterioration of Sovereignty According to Ibn Khaldun and Its Repercussions on Society <p>Ibn khaldun is considered one of the most important muslim and arab scholars who explained society descriptively from all sides. His ideas still mimic societies to the present day. In building the state, he touched on the concept of sovereignty, and the reasons for its strength and collapse. He was not explicit in the wording of sovereignty in his writings, but he referred to it through its connotation of leadership and asabiyya. This collapse on society and the study aims to take a modern look at ibn khaldun’s thought through the factors he put forward in his writings about the collapse of states. It is also to identify the negative effects left by the division of sovereignty and how to deal with it, in addition to drawing attention to the danger that results from this deterioration that may lead to the collapse of the state.through this study, several results were reached, the most important of which are: 1- one of the causes of social corruption is political divisions, and the lack of a single sovereignty over the entire territory of the state leads to the absence of all security and legal aspects, which is reflected in the deterioration of the economic factor, which is reflected on individuals to use illegal methods to improve their economic situation. 2- lack of religious conviction is one of the reasons for the spread of moral corruption, from the many immoralities, sins and temptations as a result of scrambling for this world and neglecting the hereafter. It became clear through this study that sovereignty has an important role in the stability of society, and that political and economic instability and its manipulation lead to the spread of corruption in society and its collapse, in addition to the rejection of religion and the spread of immorality from the most common causes of the spread of social and moral corruption.</p> Kulthum Othman Hassan Al-Hudayri Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 75 82 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2591 The Repercussions of the Moral Corruption of the System of Values within the Libyan Society <p>The crimes of defamation and cyber extortion, that are published on the Internet, are among the biggest manifestations of moral corruption in society today. Despite the difference in determining an acceptable definition of the materials being published, there is a factor that can be relied upon to determine their meaning, which is that these crimes include content that indicates a violation of sanctities and values morality in society. Accordingly, this study aims to know the repercussions of moral corruption on the value system in Libyan society, and to know the true goals behind what is published in the pages of defamation and cyber extortion. This study also reveal the psychological and social effects of defamation and cyber extortion crimes on the values of society. To achieve this goal, the concepts related to moral corruption and crimes of defamation and cyber extortion were studied, as well as theoretical trends in the interpretation of crimes of defamation and electronic extortion as a manifestation of moral corruption. The study relied on its methodology on the descriptive approach. Thus, the main study question that revolves around the study problem is: What are the implications of moral corruption on the value system in Libyan society? The question of the study was answered through the results of the exploratory study of the pages of electronic defamation and extortion that were identified in&nbsp; three&nbsp; pages, where the study concluded that the Libyan society in general,&nbsp; and the society of Sabha city&nbsp; in particular, are conservative societies that still adhere to the agreed-upon values and standards and the percentage of moral corruption is not high. Finally, the paper suggests some&nbsp; recommendations that concern preventive treatment to alleviate this problem and prevent its occurrence in the Libyan society.</p> Mabruka Abd-Alsalam Ghayth Farawi Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 65 74 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2576 Obstacles to development in Libya "Corruption as a model" <p>Societies, especially in Libya, are rife with the phenomenon of corruption, which almost casts a shadow over all the joints, organs and sectors of the state. This is extremely dangerous for the development and growth of societies. Anti-corruption mechanisms have an important mark in eliminating all its manifestations and joints, as the phenomenon of corruption is an international phenomenon in terms of its effects. It takes an international nature, and is distributed to all countries of the world. Thus, its extension is horizontal and concentrated in varying proportions and degrees. Its extension is major and the local and international community felt the seriousness of this phenomenon.</p> Ali Mansour Eshtiwi Adel Ali Gibran Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 59 64 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2575 Social factors leading to the spread of a culture of coexistence with corruption In Government Institutions and Their Current and Future Effects on Society and the State <p>Corruption is a dangerous and widespread global phenomenon with deep roots, taking wide dimensions. Various factors are difficult to distinguish, and the degree of their comprehensiveness varies from one society to another. Its methods and manifestations with the development of modern life, and the increase in its requirements turned corruption to be a prevailing culture with the increase of human passion and unbridled desire to obtain spoils, privileges and quick financial gain. This is happening regardless of the means a person uses, whether legal or illegal. Its pace has increased at present in an unprecedented way. For example, corruption affected individuals, groups, institutions, and even state entities and policies, and inflicted heavy human and material losses on them. In this research, we address the disclosure of the social factors leading to the spread of a culture of coexistence with corruption in government institutions. This research then discusses the current and future effects on society and the state. This research falls under the descriptive analytical approach. The most important results of the research concluded that the most significant social factors leading to the spread of a culture of coexistence with corruption in government institutions are: the weakness of the institutions of social control, the fragility of the state, the weakness of national affiliation, the change of values and morals, and the change in the process of education and socialization. The most important current effects and the future for the spread of this culture on society and the state are economic deterioration. However, as a result, social problems at the family and community levels are spread, the collapse and loss of the prestige of the state of law and institutions increase, weakening of citizen confidence in state institutions and officials diminishes, and also the weak turnout of citizens for political participation.</p> Fatima Mansour Farag Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and Seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 48 58 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2574 International efforts and the fight against corruption Studying the current situation in Libya <p>This study aims at defining administrative and financial corruption. It explains its forms and motives due to its seriousness and its consequences on contemporary societies in terms of the destruction of the political, social and economic structures. It also identifies the international and local efforts (Libya) and their role in combating this phenomenon, and whether the legal mechanisms which Libya applies are sufficient to control this phenomenon. This study also explores whether the bodies entrusted with combating the phenomenon of corruption have the mechanisms that enable them to fully combat this phenomenon. In this study, the researcher relied on the descriptive analytical method. He also relied on scientific research and previous studies related to the subject. The researcher has concluded, that the phenomenon complained of by all countries, that corruption has reached its maximum degree due to the corruption of the state institutions and low levels of social welfare, and the forms of corruption that are multiple and not limited to the public sector only, but even included the private sector. These reasons are due to a complex network of administrative, economic, legal, social and political factors. The international efforts are considered sufficient to reduce this phenomenon if its mechanisms are applied according to the correct methods. The United Nations Convention against Corruption is considered the most comprehensive anti-corruption convention given that it is the result of the concerted efforts of countries and governments and has been ratified by more than 170 countries. The mechanisms that Libya has put in place to eliminate this phenomenon are also capable of combating it if they are applied with all professionalism. It is no secret to anyone that the current situation that Libya is undergoing in terms of political divisions was a catalyst for the spread of the phenomenon of corruption.</p> Mustafa Hamed Mohamed Alehirish Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 36 47 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2534 The Effect of Applying the Provisions of the Corrupt Social Convention in the Corruption of the Libyan Society and Its Rule in the Islamic Sharia (Premeditated Murder is an Example). <p>This study dealt with the corrupt social convention in the penalty of self-aggression by premeditated murder, in terms of the causes of its appearance, its manifestations, and the consequences of its application in Libyan society and the violation of many of this custom, whether in terms of pardoning it, or from fulfilling the rules of Islamic Sharia, which came to be preserved.&nbsp; People have their lives, and their rights are preserved for them, which leads to the application of this corrupt custom to the corruption of society, in terms of disrupting a legal ruling such as forcing the blood guardians of the victim to give up their rights under the weight of social embarrassment, or prejudice and deception in the application of that custom, which generates resentment.&nbsp; Employing such custom in society to protect those who were deliberately guilty becomes a legislator for him, who will tread in this approach that violates on lives, and kills people unjustly and aggressively. Such action leads to the corruption of society by disrupting the law regulating it in criminal cases, then&nbsp; clarifying the legal ruling regarding the application of this corrupt social custom, and finding some solutions to limit its application in society.</p> Ali Mosa Salem Abo Harag Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 27 35 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2533 The Effect of Nullity on Contracts Obtained by Corruption A Comparative Analytical Study Between Libyan and Comparative Civil Law and International Conventions <p>Corruption is a societal scourge and a global phenomenon that human societies have known since the dawn of history. With a person’s desire to obtain material or moral gains, he used various means, both legal and illegal. Societies are still suffering from the growing problem of the phenomenon of corruption in its various forms. This is happening despite of all the efforts made to combat it. The problem is manifested at the present time that the normal measures and mechanisms are insufficient to combat corruption. It differs from traditional crimes, therefore it is necessary to carefully and objectively study strategies that take into account all aspects of this problem. Accordingly, financial and administrative corruption is represented in the waste of public money. The spread of bribery and preference, the misuse of public money, and the abuse of influence in most government contracts and in the granting of licenses and privileges, all these make such contracts void or voidable, given that they were obtained illegally by “corruption.”</p> Ahmed Ramadan Moftah Ghashout Copyright (c) 2023 Conferences and seminars 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 1 1 11 26 10.51984/cas.v1i1.2532