Investigation on some blood indices and kidney functions in patients with renal failure at Sebha Medical Center

Rehab Eissa, Hind Mater, Naji Laji (1)
(1) , Libya


This study was conducted at Sebha Medical Center in Sebha City from  the period 1/4/2018 to 30/8/2018. The study included 100 patients ( 51 male,49 females) with renal failure aged ( over18- over50 ).which compared with 54 health subjects as control group for both sexes. The aim of this study was to evaluate some of the blood  variables including WBC, RBC, HGB, MCV, MCH, MCHC and Plt and  kidney  functions which included urea, creatinine, uric acid  electrolytes ( Na, K, and Ca ) in patients with renal failure. The statistical results of the study showed a significant decrease in both platelets, white blood cell count, red blood cells, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume in patients with renal failure compared with control group. The data showed that the incidence of renal failure was more pronounced in females than in males and at age 20 to 40, whereas in males the age was above 50.  The results also showed a significant increase in urea, creatinine , sodium and calcium in patients with renal failure compared to control group, and for the  mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular hemoglobin, the statistical analysis did not show the  differences between patients and control group. The present study summarized the negative effect of  renal failure in most of the blood variables and the functions of the kidney studied.

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Rehab Eissa, Hind Mater, Naji Laji
رحاب عيسى و هند مطر و ناجي لجي. (2019). Investigation on some blood indices and kidney functions in patients with renal failure at Sebha Medical Center. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(2).

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