Developing a load balancing technique in cloud computing

Lina Samir Malouf , Bassim Oumran (1)
(1) , Libya


Cloud computing is a utility to deliver services and resources to the users through high speed internet. It has a number of types and hybrid cloud is one of them. Cloud computing provides scalable services that include SaaS, PaaS and IaaS over the Internet. Because of the dynamic nature of cloud environments, the VM workload swings dynamically, resulting in unbalanced loads. Cloud Load Balancing is the process of distributing workloads and computing resources in a cloud computing environment. Enterprise load balancing lets you manage application requests or workload by allocating resources across multiple computers, networks, or servers. In this paper a load balancing technique in cloud computing is developed to distribute the work load across multiple nodes in order to insure that no single node is overloaded. The proposed technique is expected to provide maximum throughput with minimum response time.

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Lina Samir Malouf , Bassim Oumran
Lina Samir Malouf , Bassim Oumran. (2019). Developing a load balancing technique in cloud computing. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(2).

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