Three-Pass Protocol Implementation in Hill Cipher Encryption Technique

Salwa Miftah Alsharif (1)
(1) , Libya


Hill Cipher is a common encryption technique that relies on Algebra of matrices in the selecting of the encryption key, which is expected to complicate the various techniques of crypt-analyst. But it has a disadvantage which exchange the keys between recipients,  the receiver can't decrypt cipher text until the sender send to the receiver the key used to encryption the data. So that, he can restore the cipher text into plain text. Therefore, the message will be subjected to the exposing plain text and decrypt the cipher text. Three-Pass Protocol is protocol that allows both senders and receivers to communicate without the key exchange.The main goal in the research is to strengthen the security of the data, used in combination Hill Cipher algorithm for encryption and decryption while Three-Pass Protocol used to send process.The technique of Three-Pass Protocol is applied in the Hill Cipher and the results have been analyzed.The result of the analysis indicated that the encryption has been enhanced and the security improved by 85% in comparison with conventional Hill.

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Salwa Miftah Alsharif
Salwa Miftah Alsharif. (2019). Three-Pass Protocol Implementation in Hill Cipher Encryption Technique. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(4).

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