Identifying the driving mechanism and PVT analysis is important for optimizing reservoir development plans through primary, secondary, or tertiary recovery methods. Also, determining the size of an aquifer (based on its response to pressure support) provides a means of calibrating known physics against production data, which once calibrated can be used for prediction. In this paper, the types of natural drivers of the reservoir were estimated and compared using a program called MBAL after matching production history data with model results. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the basic driving mechanisms and PVT analysis using MBAL software for Intisar D field. The final project results can be seen matching the real data of the reservoir with the program results using MBAL software. The simulation results show that the reservoir pressure history curve matches the stimulation curve, and this gives a good indication of the input data fed into the model. The driving mechanism for all these tanks comes from three natural forces, namely fluid expansion, compression, and water flow. It started with the expansion of the fluid from 0 to 0.60, with the compressibility from 0.60 to 0.89, and with the flow of water from 0.89 to 1 is the flow of water.
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