of Human Sciences2025-02-05T15:16:39+02:00Dr. Adel Journal Systems<div class="group w-full text-token-text-primary border-b border-black/10 gizmo:border-0 dark:border-gray-900/50 gizmo:dark:border-0 bg-gray-50 gizmo:bg-transparent dark:bg-[#444654] gizmo:dark:bg-transparent" data-testid="conversation-turn-17"> <div class="p-4 justify-center text-base md:gap-6 md:py-6 m-auto"> <div class="flex flex-1 gap-4 text-base mx-auto md:gap-6 md:max-w-2xl lg:max-w-[38rem] xl:max-w-3xl }"> <div class="relative flex w-[calc(100%-50px)] flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3 lg:w-[calc(100%-115px)]"> <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col gap-3 max-w-full"> <div class="min-h-[20px] flex flex-col items-start gap-3 overflow-x-auto whitespace-pre-wrap break-words"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p><strong>Advancing Scientific Achievement: A Pledge to Ethical Research</strong></p> <p>Our journal is committed to nurturing excellence in scientific discourse, guided by unwavering adherence to methodological standards and the ethics of academic inquiry. Our mission goes beyond conventional publishing; we aim to enrich all facets of scientific understanding with precision, integrity, and impartiality.</p> <p><strong>A Catalyst for Progress:</strong></p> <p>We are dedicated to elevating the quality of scientific research. Collaborations with specialized scientific organizations and academic institutions, both nationally and globally, form the cornerstone of our pursuit.</p> <p><strong>Serving the Community:</strong></p> <p>Our dedication extends to the enhancement of our local community. We are devoted to fulfilling its hunger for knowledge, ensuring that every step in scientific exploration contributes to the greater good. Through the expansion of our scientific contributions, we aspire to attain a leadership role at the national level.</p> <p><strong>Fostering Excellence:</strong></p> <p>We create a supportive environment for the cultivation of creativity and distinction among our faculty and scholars. We actively facilitate their journey towards advanced academic qualifications and increased professional competence.</p> <p><strong>A Guiding Light of Knowledge:</strong></p> <p>Our vision is to transform our university's scientific journal into a guiding light of knowledge, radiating its brilliance locally, nationally, and internationally. We aspire to be a wellspring of enlightenment, sparking intellectual curiosity on a global scale.</p> <p>In our pursuit of scientific excellence, we welcome all scholars and knowledge seekers to embark on this enlightening journey alongside us. Together, we shall illuminate the path towards a more brilliant and well-informed future.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Quranic Stories from a Cognitive Perspective: Dream Worlds in Surat Yusuf as a Model2024-04-06T19:00:30+02:00Nouwara Mohammed Aqila Mohammed<p>The study of interpretation is no longer limited to historical approaches only; that is, starting from the reasons for revelation and stopping at the limits of the sciences of language and rhetoric, but rather systematic approaches have become a major role in approaching the Qur’anic text, so many diverse studies have emerged that examine the structure of the Qur’anic text, its style, its arguments, and its narration techniques. The latter is what we are on the way to, as the Qur’anic story has become an applied example of all narrative theories, the most important of which are the mystical narratives that this study has adopted as a research method. The research was divided into two main sections, the first theoretical and the other procedural, and the theoretical section included a presentation of the concept of understanding, cognitive narratives, and possible worlds. The applied aspect was also divided into two sections: the first is the worlds of vision in the Qur’anic text, and the other is the worlds of vision in the book Stories of the Prophets by Al-Tha’labi. This study yielded the most important results, the cognitive approach to narration contributes to a new understanding of the Qur’anic narration, and provides a scientific explanation for the diversity, multiplicity, and difference in the explanations of the Qur’anic stories.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences role of the United Nations Development Program in preserving the artistic heritage in Libya (Hosh Al-Kikhia in the city of Benghazi is an example)2025-02-05T15:16:39+02:00Amin<p>This research deals with the history of the founding of the United Nations and its goals related to sustainable development, and sheds light on Libya’s independence, the founding phase of the United Nations Development Program and the projects it implements in local communities. The research focused in particular on the program's role in preserving the artistic heritage by properly employing funding sources to maintain historical buildings with an architectural heritage. This aims to strengthen the Libyan identity through prior study of the architectural details of “Hosh Al-Kikhia” in the city of Benghazi, preserving its original identity and transforming it into a cultural center after renovation. This approach is considered a qualitative leap in artistic activity that was affected by neglect during the years of conflict in the city of Benghazi. The program continues its role in providing interest in the arts at the local and international levels, and the results of this are evident in the cultural and artistic events that are held in Al-Kikhiya House. Positive effects of this role were observed, including motivating artists to innovate and create and providing visitors with an educational and entertaining experience at the same time.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences the Intellectually Disabled: Innovations and Pathways to Employment Inclusion2024-10-31T09:52:22+02:00Hanadi Hussain<p>This review paper explores the trajectory of employment inclusion and economic empowerment for intellectually disabled individuals, analyzing historical perspectives, current practices, and future directions in the field. Through a comprehensive examination of global policies, innovative practices, and emerging trends, the paper highlights ongoing challenges, such as stigma and limited access to opportunities, while also identifying promising innovations, including remote work arrangements, technology-driven solutions, and entrepreneurship initiatives. By synthesizing lessons learned from successful policy frameworks and identifying areas for future research and pilot programs, the paper underscores the importance of collective action and commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable workforce for all individuals, regardless of ability </p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences Economic Policy of the British Administration in Tripoli and Cyrenaica "1943 - 1949 "2024-12-20T12:22:52+02:00Awatif Saeed Emhimmid Ali Ali Mukhtar<p>There is no doubt that the policy of the British administration in Tripoli and Cyrenaica had far-reaching effects that affected all aspects of life, and perhaps the most important of them were the economic aspects. Therefore, this study entitled “The Economic Policy of the British Administration in Tripoli and Cyrenaica "1943-1949" came to shed light on that aspect. The study begins with the political implications. These conditions affected the population after the end of World War II, following the measures taken by the British administration in Tripoli and Cyrenaica. The studyalso addresses aspects of economic life in the region, such as agriculture, some agricultural products, trade and industry, monetary policy, banks and foreign companies. Besides that, knowing the extent to which aspects were affected by the policy of the British administration in Tripoli and Cyrenaica and also knowing the developments that occurred in these aspects. The study reached the conclusion that the military administration was not serious in addressing the bad economic situation in the region of Tripoli and Cyrenaica. The purpose behind that it is a justification and guarantee for the continuation of its occupation of the country. It became clear when the issue of Libya’s independence was raised at the United Nations and the colonial powers: Britain, France and Italy demanded continuing its guardianship over it under the pretext that its economic conditions do not enable it to gain its independence.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences Project Management Performance in Libya - Strategies and Future Directions2024-10-27T08:35:36+02:00Mohamed Abdullah Ouhida<p>"Projects of various types are an important building block in the economy of any country in the world. However, these projects, regardless of their types, cannot succeed without wise management based on solid scientific foundations. These foundations can be derived through various scientific studies. Accordingly, this research addresses an important topic in the field of management, which is the management of various projects in the Libyan state. It attempts to observe the reality, identify the most significant difficulties and obstacles affecting project management, and propose important strategies and directions that contribute to improving these projects. The research followed the descriptive-analytical method and concluded with important results in this regard, including that improving project management in Libya can only be achieved through the concerted efforts of all state institutions, both private and public. The research also proposed recommendations that may contribute to the development and improvement of project management."</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences impact of human resource management practices on the quality of health services in the Libyan health sector (an applied study on Waddan General Hospital)2024-12-25T13:58:10+02:00Elmukashfi Elkheder Eltahermukashfi2020@gmail.comMassoud Ershida Gnifeedm_ershida@yahoo.comAbdelmalik Hashim<p>The research paper "The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the Quality of Health Services in the Libyan Health Sector with Application to Waddan General Hospital" analyzes the impact of human resource management practices on the quality of health services. The study aims to determine the impact of human resource training and compensation, in addition to the impact of employee selection and appointment on the quality of health care. Data was collected from 71 employees using a questionnaire, and the results showed a limited impact of human resource selection and appointment on the quality of services. While human resource compensation showed a positive impact, the relationship between human resource training and service quality was statistically significant but weak. Employees were satisfied with the training programs meeting their needs, but they felt that the salary system was unfair, and rewards were ineffective in improving performance. The study recommends simplifying appointment procedures and improving selection criteria, in addition to reviewing the salary structure to ensure fairness and competitiveness. It also calls for enhancing the training environment and customizing programs according to employee needs, while clarifying incentive criteria. These results contribute to understanding how to improve the quality of health services by improving human resource management practices at Waddan General Hospital, reflecting the importance of investing in the human element to achieve better results in the Libyan health sector</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences Le mythe, et la symbolique2024-12-26T17:04:05+02:00Mohamed Abdussalam Ali<p style="direction: ltr;">Le mythe dans l'œuvre de Le Clézio, soulignant son rôle dans la recherche des lieux originaires et son expression à travers la nature. Le mythe, considéré comme la "voix de la Nature", se manifeste dans la mer, le désert, le ciel, le soleil et d'autres éléments naturels, enrichissant la fiction de l'écrivain. Le texte explore le débat sur les mythes dans la littérature du xixe et du début du xxe siècle, où le mythe est vu comme indissociable de la production littéraire, apportant un nouveau sens au récit. Le mythe intervient dans le texte comme un discours universel, tissant des motifs et des légendes étranges à la marge du récit initial. L'histoire de la mythologie gréco-romaine et judéo-chrétienne est brièvement évoquée, soulignant que les thèmes mythiques chez Le Clézio sont souvent déjà identifiés. L'importance du mythe est discutée avec des perspectives variées, de l'histoire vraie à l'invention et à la tradition sacrée. Le Clézio, toujours intéressé par les origines, voit le mythe comme une quête métaphysique d'un monde meilleur, se manifestant à travers des allusions à des lieux naturels austères mais symboliques. L'auteur souligne l'idéalisation de la nature par Le Clézio et sa conviction que le vrai bonheur réside dans l'état naturel du monde.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences for developing the Standards and Procedures Guide for Accrediting Primary and Secondary Schools (Second Edition) in Accordance with Regular and Extraordinary Pupils and (Students An analytical study of the content of the document)2024-11-23T22:27:42+02:00Aenia Daw Mohamed Matouk Ajtalwy<p>The current research aims to modify and develop the standards and indicators of the quality of educational programs provided to primary and secondary education institutions for the Standards and Procedures for Accrediting Public and Private Primary and Secondary Schools (2020) Manual, the second edition issued by the National Centre for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Educational and Training Institutions in Libya, in a manner that suits the category of regular and extraordinary students and pupils, which contains seven standards containing (130) indicators, and the researcher adopted the content analysis method in it, due to its suitability to the nature of the subject, and on the other hand, it is a research method for describing and analysing any scientific content, document or guide objectively, and identifying all strengths and weaknesses, in order to obtain conclusions that contribute to developing a proposal or idea. Through analysing the content of the document, the researcher did the following:</p> <p>- Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the document in general.</p> <p>- Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each of the seven standards in general and their indicators in particular.</p> <p>- Proposing the development, improvement and addition of what is deemed appropriate for those standards and indicators in a manner that is appropriate for the category of regular and extraordinary students and pupils.</p>2025-03-03T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences CHA PEMBA ZANZIBAR2025-01-03T20:34:51+02:00Ali Idris Ali Aburima<p>This Makala hii inahusu Kisiwa cha Pemba kilichopo katikati ya Bahari ya Hindi, ni sehemu ya Jamhuri ya Watu wa Zanzibar katika Tanzania. Umbali na Tanganyika au Tanzania bara ni 50 km. Kimejulikana kwa muda mrefu kuwa ni kati ya miji ya kale ya kibiashara katika pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. Katika makala hii inabainisha umuhimu wa kisiwa cha Pemba katika Afrika mashariki na mambo mbalimbali kama: Hali ya hewa, mimea ya asili, kilimo, kazi, huduma za jamii na mwasiliano.</p>2025-03-03T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences position of French diplomacy on the electoral process in Libya 1952-1965.2024-11-12T18:45:19+02:00Abdelnaser<p>This study entitled French diplomatic action tackles the democratic and electoral processes in Libya from 1952 to1965. Did France really help the Libyans or intervene for its own interests? As usual in the historical field, we will first go back to the past to understand how electoral trials began in Libya since the Italian era. Then, in a second step, it will be necessary to discuss the political change in Libya after the Second World War, particularly the municipal elections that were organized. France and Fezzan impacted the democratic process. Subsequently, we will open the debate around the elections of 1952, the first free elections in Libya as an independent state. Finally, we will examine politics and diplomatic actions towards parliamentary elections in Libya from 1956 to 1965. We will wonder whether France really acted for Fezzan or rather for its own country. We will come to our conclusions until new elements emerge as to the democratic elections in Libya during this period and the events surrounding it.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences economic relations during the Republican era 1969-1977 AD2024-10-14T21:06:26+02:00Ali Abdussalam Abdulla Khalifa ahmed abdulsalm<p>The Soviet Union emerged as a global power with influence on the international scene after World War II (1939-1945). After Stalin's death, it began to look to strengthen its relations with the Middle Eastern countries, including Libya. Libya, which gained independence in late 1951, has had strong political and economic relations with the West, especially Britain and the United States, since its independence.Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1955. However, these relations between the two parties did not witness political or economic development throughout the royal era in Libya.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences in Surah Ar-Rahman: Its purposes, and the purposes of those who challenge it2024-10-28T05:44:24+02:00Aboubakr Mohammed Aboubakr<p>This research deals with an analytical study in the field of interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, through which the verses that deal with the phenomenon of repetition in general are traced, and the connotations of this word and its fruits are revealed. The verses are carefully studied, and the sayings of scholars and commentators in particular are studied, by studying the phenomenon of repetition. Which involves rhetorical meanings, which are highlighting the Quranic miracle and its superior eloquence, explaining its purposes and the goals of those who challenge these methods, and responding to the suspicions they raise. chosen as a model for this study. Because it contains the largest number of verses in this field, the discussion will be limited to the concept of repetition, clarifying its meanings and interpretations, citing some of the sayings of scholars in this regard, clarifying the purposes of repetition, and addressing the issue. Among those who challenge the phenomenon of repetition and respond to it, and then present the verses of repetition in Surat Al-Rahman, and in a position. And based on the inferences based on the words of the commentators about these verses, and as a result, a title was given to this research, which is: Repetition in Surat Al-Rahman: its purposes, and the purposes of those who object to it. After this arrangement comes the conclusion, which includes the most important results and recommendations.</p>2025-03-03T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences Language Proficiency and Curriculum Development for Air Traffic Control2024-11-11T13:33:49+02:00Mohamed Fathi Mohammed<p>The aim of this study was to investigate the needs of students in the Air-Traffic Control department. Participants of the study were 30 students in the final semester at the Technical College of Civil Aviation and Meteorology Libya, (TCCAM). The information of the students’ needs was obtained through a descriptive questionnaire consisting of the students current & target needs known as necessities, wants and lacks. The questionnaire results highlighted the most critical English skills needed: speaking and listening. Additionally, the findings identified several important topics -referred to as necessities- that should be included in the syllabus. However, the results manifested some gaps (lacks) between the English topics that should be learnt with the topics that the students had already learnt. Additionally, the students expressed specific preferences regarding the English learning process. The findings, also, revealed the degree of importance of language skills which were necessary for the students future career and indicated their strong needs to improve those skills as a result of the learning styles and the teaching materials used. Moreover, the findings demonstrated a strong willingness among students to improve their speaking and listening skills in English and that the students' dissatisfaction with their teachers, teaching methods, learning styles and input length was clearly identified. Therefore, results of this study will hopefully be essential for the ESP practitioners, aviation English teachers and teaching material designers to improve the quality of the ESP syllabus, more specifically, the aviation syllabus. </p>2025-03-03T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences