Journal of Human Sciences <div class="group w-full text-token-text-primary border-b border-black/10 gizmo:border-0 dark:border-gray-900/50 gizmo:dark:border-0 bg-gray-50 gizmo:bg-transparent dark:bg-[#444654] gizmo:dark:bg-transparent" data-testid="conversation-turn-17"> <div class="p-4 justify-center text-base md:gap-6 md:py-6 m-auto"> <div class="flex flex-1 gap-4 text-base mx-auto md:gap-6 md:max-w-2xl lg:max-w-[38rem] xl:max-w-3xl }"> <div class="relative flex w-[calc(100%-50px)] flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3 lg:w-[calc(100%-115px)]"> <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col gap-3 max-w-full"> <div class="min-h-[20px] flex flex-col items-start gap-3 overflow-x-auto whitespace-pre-wrap break-words"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p><strong>Advancing Scientific Achievement: A Pledge to Ethical Research</strong></p> <p>Our journal is committed to nurturing excellence in scientific discourse, guided by unwavering adherence to methodological standards and the ethics of academic inquiry. Our mission goes beyond conventional publishing; we aim to enrich all facets of scientific understanding with precision, integrity, and impartiality.</p> <p><strong>A Catalyst for Progress:</strong></p> <p>We are dedicated to elevating the quality of scientific research. Collaborations with specialized scientific organizations and academic institutions, both nationally and globally, form the cornerstone of our pursuit.</p> <p><strong>Serving the Community:</strong></p> <p>Our dedication extends to the enhancement of our local community. We are devoted to fulfilling its hunger for knowledge, ensuring that every step in scientific exploration contributes to the greater good. Through the expansion of our scientific contributions, we aspire to attain a leadership role at the national level.</p> <p><strong>Fostering Excellence:</strong></p> <p>We create a supportive environment for the cultivation of creativity and distinction among our faculty and scholars. We actively facilitate their journey towards advanced academic qualifications and increased professional competence.</p> <p><strong>A Guiding Light of Knowledge:</strong></p> <p>Our vision is to transform our university's scientific journal into a guiding light of knowledge, radiating its brilliance locally, nationally, and internationally. We aspire to be a wellspring of enlightenment, sparking intellectual curiosity on a global scale.</p> <p>In our pursuit of scientific excellence, we welcome all scholars and knowledge seekers to embark on this enlightening journey alongside us. Together, we shall illuminate the path towards a more brilliant and well-informed future.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> en-US <h4>Plagiarism policy</h4> <p>Sebha University Journal respects intellectual property and aims to protect the original work of authors applying for publication. In general, the laws of the magazine are inconsistent with scientific articles that contain stolen materials and are not bound by the standards of quality, research and innovation. Applicants for publication to the journal must adhere to ethical standards and refrain from plagiarism in any way. In the event that any plagiarism or scientific theft of an article submitted for publication is found, the journal will contact the author to provide their interpretation within two weeks of its date, after which it will be referred to the relevant committees formed for this purpose to take strict measures. about that. In general, the journal’s license allows the citation of the content published on its website and the download of all files.</p> (Dr. Adel Al-Najem) (Dr. Mansour Essgaer) Tue, 28 Jan 2025 20:15:39 +0200 OJS 60 Empowering the Intellectually Disabled: Innovations and Pathways to Employment Inclusion <p>This review paper explores the trajectory of employment inclusion and economic empowerment for intellectually disabled individuals, analyzing historical perspectives, current practices, and future directions in the field. Through a comprehensive examination of global policies, innovative practices, and emerging trends, the paper highlights ongoing challenges, such as stigma and limited access to opportunities, while also identifying promising innovations, including remote work arrangements, technology-driven solutions, and entrepreneurship initiatives. By synthesizing lessons learned from successful policy frameworks and identifying areas for future research and pilot programs, the paper underscores the importance of collective action and commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable workforce for all individuals, regardless of ability </p> Hanadi Hussain Alqahtani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200