Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Office

Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Office

The Quality and Performance Evaluation Department monitors the performance of the college’s departments, educational departments, and the effective contribution to preparing future plans and strategies, and follows up the performance of students and faculty members through questionnaires, internal and programmatic internal evaluation, and seeking programmatic and external institutional accreditation. He specializes in the following:

  1. To suggest performance standards related to the quality of education in the college, offer it for accreditation, and follow it up.
  2. Suggesting performance standards and quality control for the components of college education in the college and related to university professor, curricula, laboratories and university buildings, and university education management.
  3. Overseeing the exchange of information with specialized regional and international bodies, and comparing the standards applied by colleges to develop the applied standards.
  4. Proposing procedures for setting rules and guidelines for developing performance and ensuring the quality of education in the college.
  5. Conducting and participating in field studies to approach the college’s education outcomes with the needs of the labor market, and provide recommendations in this regard.
  6. Preparing periodic and annual follow-up reports on the unit's activity.

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