Vision, mission and goals

Vision, mission and goals


Protecting the public and people by ensuring that quality healthcare continues to be delivered by nurses and midwives.


Strengthening and strengthening the midwifery profession globally by encouraging midwives in the name of caregivers best suited to have children and keeping normal childbirth in order to enhance the reproductive health of women and the health of the newborn and his family. The midwifery department is present to protect the health and well-being of the public by adorning midwives to nurses regarding trends in current issues, setting education and practice standards and giving directions to professionals, as well as aiming to inspire confidence by ensuring that nurses and midwives in our department are appropriate to practice the profession and deal quickly and fairly.


  1. Midwives become experts in providing primary health care for women and expecting low-risk pregnancy and childbirth and can optimize the experience of childbirth for women at all levels of risk
  2. Caring for a midwife to promote and facilitate the natural health of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, and the woman's lack of self-confidence
  3. Midwife care should be high and accessible to all women regardless of socio-economic conditions
  4. All maternity caregivers must respect and embrace human dignity and diversity in every aspect of their work, from clients and colleagues
  5. Effective sustainable maternity care must be based on the needs that women themselves, families and communities identify and support births as close to home as possible.

Vision, mission and goals

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