متطلبات التخرج

توصيف المقررات الدراسية قسم الكيمياء كلية العلوم جامعة سبها

اولا: المرحلة الجامعية:

الخطة الدراسية المحدثة بقسم الكيمياء لربيع 2017م
البكالوريوس ( الإجازة الجامعية ) في علوم الكيمياء (Chemistry  B.Sc. in)
مكونات الخطة
تتكون الخطة الدراسية لدرجة البكالوريوس ( الإجازة الجامعية ) في علوم الكيمياء من ( 147 ) وحدة معتمدة موزعة على النحو التالي:
ر.مالمقرر الدراسيعدد الوحدات
1متطلبات القسم من الجامعة (المتطلبات العامة)10
2متطلبات القسم من الكلية (المتطلبات الداعمة)29
3متطلبات القسم التخصصية (الإجبارية)102
4متطلبات القسم الاختيارية6
أولاً:-المقررات العامة (المتطلبات العامة)
ر.مرمز المقرراسم المقرر بالعربيةاسم المقرر باللغة الانجليزيةالوحداتعدد الساعاتالتراتبية
1Arb101اللغة العربية أArabic language A22\/
2Arb201اللغة العربية بArabic language B22\Arb101
3HLY401تاريخ ليبياHistory of Libya22\HSCI301
4En 101اللغة الإنجليزية أEnglish language A22\/
5En 201اللغة الإنجليزية بEnglish language B22\En 101
المجمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــوع1010  \
أولاً:-المقررات الداعمة والمساندة
ر.مرمز المقرراسم المقرر بالعربيةاسم المقرر باللغة الانجليزيةالوحداتعدد الساعاتالتراتبية
1MA – 100رياضة عامةGeneral Mathematics44
2MA – 200هندسة تحليليةGeometry & velocity33MA - 100
3MA – 300تفاضل, تكامل و محدداتCalculus, Integration & Limits33MA - 200
4PH- 101مقدمة في الفيزياءIntroductory Physics33
5CS – 101مقدمة في الحاسوبIntrod. to Computer Science33
6ZY – 101علم حيوان عامGeneral Zoology22
7ZY – 111علم حيوان عام المعمليPractical Zoology14
8BT – 101علم نبات عامGeneral Botany22
9BT – 111علم نبات عام المعمليPractical Botany14
10ES – 101علم الأرض العامGeneral Geology22
11ES – 111علم الأرض عام العمليPractical Geology14
12HSCI- 301تاريخ العلومHistory of science22Arb201
13En -301اللغة الإنجليزية جEnglish language C22En 201
 ثانيا :- متطلبات القسم التخصصية (الإجبارية)
ر.مرمز المقرراسم المقرر بالعربيةاسم المقرر باللغة الانجليزيةالوحداتعدد الساعاتالتراتبية
1CH- 100كيمياء عامةGeneral Chemistry22
2CH – 111كيمياء عامة عمليPractical General Chemistry14
3CH – 201كيمياء تحليلية عامةGeneral Analytical chemistry22CH- 100
4CH –202كيمياء غير عضوية عامةGeneral inorganic chemistry22CH- 100
5CH – 203مبادئ الكيمياء العضويةFund. of organic Chemistry33CH- 100
6CH – 204كيمياء فيزيائية عامةGeneral Physical Chemistry334CH- 100
7CH – 211كيمياء تحليلية عامة عمليPractical Analytical chemistry14CH –111
8CH –212كيمياء غير عضوية عمليPractical inorganic chemistry1­–4CH – 111
9CH –214كيمياء فيزيائية عامة عمليPractical Physical chemistry I14CH – 111
10CH – 301المعايرات والطرق الوزنية العمليTitrimetric & Gravimetric methods22CH – 201, CH – 211
11CH – 302كيمياء العناصر الممثلةChemistry of Representative22CH – 202, CH – 212
12CH – 303المجموعات الوظيفة العضويةOrganic Functional Groups22CH – 203
13CH – 304كيمياء فيزيائية عامة IIGeneral Physical Chemistry - II33CH – 204, CH – 214
14CH – 311كيمياء تحليلية عملي IIPractical analytical chemistry II14CH – 201, CH – 211
15CH – 312كيمياء غير عضوية عملي IIPractical inorganic chemistry II14CH – 202, CH – 212
16CH – 313كيمياء غير عضوية عملي IIPractical organic chemistry II14CH – 203
17CH – 314كيمياء فيزيائية عامة عملي IIPractical Physical chemistry II14CH – 204, CH – 214
18CH – 400كيمياء رياضيةMathematics for chemistry22MA200
19CH – 401كيمياء طرائق الفصلSeparation techniques22CH – 301, CH – 311
20CH – 402الترابط والتركيب الكيميائيBonding and Chemical Structure22CH – 302, CH – 312
21CH – 403كيمياء المركبات العطريةChemistry of Aromatic Compounds22CH – 303
22CH – 404الديناميكا الحرارية والاتزانThermodynamics and equilibrium33CH – 304, CH – 314
23CH – 411كيمياء طرائق الفصل العمليPractical Separation techniques14CH – 301, CH – 311
24CH – 412كيمياء غير عضوية عملي IIIPractical inorganic chemistry III14CH – 302, CH – 312
25CH – 413كيمياء المركبات العطرية العمليPractical Aromatic Chemistry14CH – 303
26CH – 414الديناميكا الحرارية العمليPractical Thermodynamics chemistry14CH – 304, CH – 314
27CH – 500الفيزياء الحراريةThermo-physics33PH-101
28CH – 501طرائق التحليل الكهربيةElectro analytical techniques22CH – 401, CH – 411
29CH – 502الكيمياء التناسقيةCoordination Chemistry22CH – 402, CH – 412
30CH – 503ميكانيكا التفاعلات العضويةReaction Mechanism33CH – 403, CH – 413
31CH – 504الكيمياء الضوئية , الكيمياء الحركية و الكيمياء الكهربيةChemical kinetics, Photochemistry and Electrochemistry33CH – 404, CH – 414
32CH – 505كيمياء الصناعية للبوليمراتPolymer Technology22CH – 403, CH – 413
33CH – 511طرائق العملية للتحليل الكهربيPractical Electrochemistry14CH – 401, CH – 411
34CH – 512كيمياء غير عضوية عملي IVPractical inorganic chemistry IV14CH – 402, CH – 412
35CH - 513كيمياء العضوية عملي IIIPractical organic chemistry III14CH – 403, CH – 413
36CH – 514الكيمياء الضوئية , الكيمياء الحركية و الكيمياء الكهربيةPractical Electrochemistry14CH – 404, CH – 414
37CH – 515كيمياء العملية للبوليمراتPractical Polymer chemistry14CH – 403, CH – 413
38CH - 508الكيمياء الحيويةBiochemistry22CH – 403, CH – 413
39CH – 601طرق التحليل الطيفيSpectroscopic Methods of analysis22CH – 501, CH – 511
40CH – 602كيمياء العناصر الانتقاليةChemistry of Non-Metals22CH – 502, CH – 512
41CH – 603الكيمياء الفراغية وكيمياء المنتجات الطبيعيةStereochemistry and Natural products22CH – 503, CH – 513
42CH – 604كيمياء الكم والكيمياء النوويةQuantum & Nuclear Chemistry33CH – 504, CH – 514
43CH – 605الكيمياء الصناعية النفطيةpetrochemical industry22CH – 505, CH – 515
44CH – 611طرق العملية في التحليل الطيفي IPractical Spectroscopic analysis I14CH – 501, CH – 511
45CH – 612كيمياء غير عضوية عملي VPractical inorganic chemistry V14CH – 502, CH – 512
46CH – 613كيمياء العضوية عملي IVPractical organic chemistry IV14CH – 503, CH – 513
47CH – 614الحوسبة الكيميائيةPractical theoretical Chemistry14CH – 504, CH – 514
48CH – 615الكيمياء النفطية المعمليةPractical Petroleum Chemistry14CH – 505, CH – 515
49CH – 701طرق التحليل الآليinstrumental method of analysis22CH – 601, CH – 611
50CH – 702ميكانيكا التفاعلات الغير عضويةInorganic Reaction Mechanism22CH – 602, CH – 612
51CH – 703كيمياء المركبات الحلقية والأطيافHeterocyclic Compounds & Spectroscopy22CH – 603, CH – 613
52CH – 704الأطياف الجزئية والديناميك الإحصائي والحالة الصلبةMolecular Spectra, Statically Thermodynamics and Solid State33CH – 604, CH – 614
53CH – 705الكيمياء الصناعية التطبيقيةApplied Chemistry22CH – 605, CH – 615
54CH – 707الكيمياء الصناعية الغير عضويةIndustrial Inorganic Chemistry22CH – 502, CH – 502
55CH – 711طرق العملية للتحليل الطيفي IIPractical Spectroscopic analysis II1-4CH – 601, CH – 611
56CH – 712كيمياء غير عضوية عملي IVPractical inorganic chemistry IV14CH – 602, CH – 612
57CH – 713كيمياء العضوية عمليIVPractical organic chemistry V14CH – 603, CH – 613
58CH – 715الكيمياء الصناعية المعمليةPractical Industrial Chemistry14CH – 605, CH – 615
59CH – 700طرق بحثResearch methodology12-
60CH – 800مشروع بحثProject33
   ثالثا:-متطلبات القسم الاختيارية
يكون الطالب ملزم باختيار 8 ( وحدات دراسية ) خلال فترة دراسته من المقررات الاتية
ر.مرمز المقرراسم المقرر بالعربيةاسم المقرر باللغة الانجليزيةالوحداتعدد الساعاتالتراتبية
1CH – 801كيمياء البيئةEnvironmental chemistry22CH-701
2CH – 821كيمياء الماء والتربةWater and soil chemistry22CH-701
3CH – 831الكيمياء الكهربية المتقدمةAdvanced  Electro analy. chemistry22CH-501
4CH – 841كيمياء تحليلية متقدمةAdvanced Analytical Chemistry22---
5CH – 802نظرية المجموعاتGroup Theory in Chemistry22CH-502
6CH – 822كيمياء غير عضوية متقدمةAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry - I22CH-702
7CH – 832الكيمياء العضوية المعدنيةOregano Metallic Chemistry22CH-502
8CH – 842كيمياء غير عضوية متقدمةAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry - II22---
9CH – 803الصباغ , الالياف و الانسجةDyes, Textile Fibers22CH-603
10CH – 823كيماء العلاجية والفيتاميناتVitamins and Chemotherapy22CH-703
11CH – 833كيمياء السليكون والمركبات العضوية متعددة الانويةSilicon Chemistry and Polynuclear Hydrocarbons22CH-703
12CH – 843كيمياء عضوية متقدمةAdvanced organic Chemistry22---
13CH – 804كيمياء البلورات السائلةLiquid Crystals22CH-704
14CH – 824كيمياء السطوح والمحفزاتSurface Chemistry & Catalysis22CH-704
15CH – 834كيمياء الغروياتChemistry of Colloidal State22CH-304
16CH – 844كيمياء الفيزيائية المتقدمةAdvanced Physical Chemistry22---
17CH – 820كيمياء البيئة والتلوثEnvor. Chemistry and pollution22---

ثانيا: مرحلة الدراسات العليا 

دراسات العليا قسم الكيمياء كلية العلوم جامعة سبها.csv

IMScCourses in Analytical Chemistry
1Volumetric and Gravimetric Analysis (CH901-1/PG) (3 Credits)
(Compulsory for all MScStudents)
Ionic equilibria, applications of volumetric analysis (neutralisation reactions, redox reactions, complexmetric reactions and precipitation reactions). Theory of gravimetric analysis. Microgravimetric and microvolumetric analysis. General introduction to separation in analytical chemistry. Masking and demasking agents. The analysis of real substances. Preliminary steps to an analysis.
2Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis I (CH901-2/PG) (3 Credits)
Instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Source of radiation(continuous sources-discrete sources). Optical materials(front surface mirror- reflection- filters and wavelength selection- gratings- prism- design of a dispersing system). Aspects of polarisation of light(selective absorption- selective reflection- anisotropic materials). Detectors(criteria for evaluation of detectors- photoelectric devices- photoemissive tube- photomultiperes- IR detectors). Monochromators and arrangements of optical components(prism systems spectrograph- UV spectrometers- IR spectrometers- grating mounts). Applications of UV visible, , IR spectroscopy.
3Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis II (CH901-3/PG) (3 Credits)
Atomic spectroscopy, atom population, selection rules, line profiles. Emission spectroscopy, flame emission, flame atomic absorption, atomic fluorescence. Intensity of spectral lines in absorption and emission. Measurement of line intensities by photographic procedures. Background connection. Applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy.
4Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis III (CH901-4/PG) (3 Credits)
NMR spectroscopy; magnetic properties, nuclear energy level, resonance frequency, the NMR phenomena, instrumentation and techniques. Relaxation and line width, the chemical shift, measurement of chemical shift, spin-spin coupling, dianamic processes. Experimental aids to spectral analysis, lanthanide shift reagent, signal enhancement. Quantitative analysis.
Mass spectrometry; principles of mass spectrometry design, determination of molecular weight, fragmentation, quantitative analysis, alternative ionisation techniques, analysis with GLC- MS interfacing systems, quadrapole mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry of involatile inorganic solids.
5Thermal and Radio Analysis (CH901-5/PG) (3 Credits)
Thermal methods of analysis; introduction to thermal analysis, thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermometric titrations, miscellaneous thermal methods.
Radiochemistry; revision of basics, decay rates and activity interaction of radiation, counting statistics, Gamma spectrometry, origin and nature of g radiation, interaction of g photons with matter, detection and measurement of g radiation, production of the spectrum, uses of spectra. Activation analysis, neutron activation analysis, isotope dilution analysis, liquid scintillation counting. The internal standard method, external standard method, channels ratio method, sample preparation. X-ray methods, origin of x-ray, apparatus, energy dispersive, x-ray emission spectroscopy, the x-ray fluorescence, x-ray and Auger photoelectron spectroscopy in analysis, solid state fluorescence spectroscopy, cantoluminescense spectroscopy, molecular emission cavity analysis. Molecular photoelectron spectroscopy using vacuum ultraviolet photons.
6Separation Techniques (CH901-6/PG) (3 Credits)
Analytical separations; separation by precipitation, extraction methods, applications of extraction procedures, ion exchange separation, separation of inorganic species by distillation. Chromatography; introduction to chromatography, classification of chromatography, paper chromatography, types of paper chromatography, experimental details for qualitative and quantitative analysis, application. Thin layer chromatography (TLC), superiority of TLC over other chromatographic techniques, experimental techniques, applications of TLC, limitations. Column chromatography, principle theory of development, experimental details, factors affecting column efficiency, applications of column chromatography. Gas chromatography, principles, instrumentation, evaluation, retention volume, resolution, applications. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), principles, instrumentation, applications. Electrophoresis, moving-boundary, curtain, zone and disk electrophoresis. Qualitative and quantitative analysis by chromatography.
7Electrochemical Analysis (CH901-7/PG) (3 Credits)
Electrochemical analysis, potentiometry, conductometry, high frequency titration, the measurement of pH, polarographic analysis, amperometric titration, electrolytic and coulometric techniques, electrogravimetry, polarimetry.
8Environmental Chemistry (CH901-8/PG) (3 Credits)
Environmental chemistry and its scope, the nature composition of natural water, water pollution and trace level substance in water, water quality analysis and control, water treatment, environmental chemical analysis, industrial water analysis and control (water used in boilers, heat exchange, condensers), environmental chemistry of soil, the nature and composition of the atmosphere, particular matter and miner inorganic pollutants in the atmosphere, organic pollutants and photochemical smog in the atmosphere, natural resources and energy.
9Food Analysis (CH901-9/PG) (3 Credits)
Food analysis, analysis of dairy products, wheat, rice, meat products, soft drinks, preservatives, colouring matter and other additives.
10Seminars (CH901-10/PG) (3 Credits)
Review of articles and seminars
11Special topics (CH901-16PG) (3 Credits)
Theoretical and practical description of analytical materials
IIMScCourses in Inorganic Chemistry
1Coordination Chemistry of the Transition Metals (CH902-1/PG) (3 Credits)
(Compulsory for all MScStudents)
Introduction and Nomenclature, coordination bonds (effective atomic number, VBT, CFT, MOT), isomerism, preparations and reactions of coordination compounds, complex ion stability, kinetics and mechanisms of reactions of coordination compounds
2Spectroscopy (CH902-2/PG) (3 Credits)
Electronic transition spectroscopy, rotation-vibration spectroscopy, raman spectroscopy and IR spectra, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, magnetic properties of complexes, mass spectroscopy.
3Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (CH902-3/PG) (3 Credits)
Metal alkyl and aryl types: binuclear with metal-metal bond, polymeric with bridging alkyl groups, metalo-cyclic complexes, compounds with transition Metal carbon multiple bonds, metal compounds of heterocyclic (sandwich), 5 and 6 electron metal compounds, reactions of organometallic complexes (addition, oxidation, elimination, inserting). Metal carbonyl compounds (reactions and structures).
4Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry (CH902-4/PG) (3 Credits)
Chemistry of lanthanides and octinides, nuclear particles (fundamental particles), kinds of radiation, radioactive atoms and radioactive series, radioactive Processes, measurement of radiation, uses of radioactive isotopes and radiation, nuclear reactors, atomic bomb.
5Chemical Application of Group Theory (CH902-5/PG) (3 Credits)
Symmetry operation and elements, rotation axes, reflection plane, inversion, rotation-reflection identity, symmetry groups (multiplying symmetry operation), systematic listing of symmetry groups (Cn , Cnn , Cnh , Dn , Dnh , Dnd , Sn , Td , Oc), molecular symmetry (coordination numbers 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9).
6Representative of Non-transition Elements; (CH902-6/PG (3 Credits)Bonding and Structures
Electronic configuration (their ionization potential, radius, electron affinity, term Symbols, types of bonds: covalent, ionic, coordination, metallic, polar, hydrogen, hybridisation and structure (SP , SP2 , SP3 , SP3d , SP3d2 , dSP2 ), atomic covalent radii, van der waal radii, ionic radii, some relation between bond properties, bond order, length, force constant energy, halogens, interhalogens, noble gases.
7Industrial Inorganic Chemistry (CH902-7/PG) (3 Credits)
Bricks (40-60%, 10-25% Al2O3 ; 4-8% Fe2O3 ; 1-15% CaO), ceramics preparing and coloring), cement, sand stone and thrmoston from CaO, glass preparing and coloring (70-74% SiO2 ; 13-15% CaO ; 13-16% Na2O ), cells (dry cells, liquid cells), fertillizers (nitrogen and phosphate).
8Bioinorganic Chemistry (CH902-8/PG) (3 Credits)
Most important inorganic elements for man kind, The pH of human body, chlorophyl a and b, ferredoxins and rubredoxins, hemoglobin and myoglobin (Protein), vitamin B12s [Co(III)] , and B12r [Co(II)], carboxy peptidase A (Zn), xanthine (Mo) and nitrogenage (Mo).
9Seminars (CH902-9/PG) (3 Credits)
Review of articles and seminars
10Special topics (CH902-17/PG) (3 Credits)
Theoretical and practical description of inorganic materials
IIIMScCourses in Organic and Biochemistry
1Advanced Organic Chemistry (CH903-1/PG) (3 Credits)
(Compulsory for all MScStudents)
Catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, metal hydride reductions and related reactions, dissolving metal reductions and relation reactions, reduction with hydrazine and its derivatives, oxidation with chromium and manganese compounds, oxidation with peracids and other peroxides, other methods of oxidation, halogenation, The alkylation of active methylene compounds, The aldol condensation and related reactions, acylation at carbon.
2Heterocyclic Chemistry (CH903-2/PG) (3 Credits)
Diazonaphthalenes (naphthyridines, benzodiazines, synthetic methods, chemical properties), purines and pteridines (syntheses and chemical properties), directed lithiation application to the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, pyrylium salts and pyranones (natural synthesis, chemical properties), coumarines and chromones (synthesis and chemical properties), Flavones natural occurance, synthesis, chemical properties,a esters: versatile intermediates for the synthesis of polyaza-heterocycles, the carboniles and their compound, structure, natural occurance, synthesis and chemical properties, with more attention to their benzo derivatives, vicarious nucleophilic substitution of hydrogen (VMS): general review of nucleophilic substitution in aromatic compounds both carbocyclic and heterocyclic, VNS in general and its application to heterocycles compounds.
3The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry (CH903-3/PG) (3 Credits)
Orbitals and bonding, correlation diagrams, the conservation of orbital symmetry, the theory of electrocyclic reactions (electrocyclic reactions exemplified), the theory of cycloadditions and cycloreversion: (cycloadditions and cycloreversions exemplified, (2+2) cycloadditions in the photochemistry of the cyclohexadienones and cyclobexenones, The (2+2+2) cycloadditions, prismane, (2+2+2+2) cycloadditions), theory of sigmatropic reactions (sigmatropic reaction examplified, sequential sigmatropic shjfts), group transfers and eliminations, secondary effects, divertissements, cheletropic reactions, cyclo addition reactions of ketens, generalized selection rules for pericyclic reactions, violations.
4Chemistry of Natural Products (CH903-4/PG) (3 Credits)
Terpenoids, Carotenoids, Steroids and Alkaloids.
5Optical Course (CH903-5/PG) (3 Credits)
1- Carbohydrates, biochemistry an overview, monosaccharides, D-L faniles, disaccharides/polysaccharides. Metabolism of Carbohydrates, respiratory chain phosphorylation and the chemiometic theory, Citric acid cycle and energy of living.
2- Type of libides, chemical properties of triacqlglyerol, phospholipids, steroids, cell membranes, Metabolism of lipides, catabolism of fatty acids, anabolism of lipides and ketoacidosis and diabetes.
3- Proteins, amino acids as blocks of proteins, primary structures of proteins, secondary structures of proteins, tertiary and quarternary proteins, common proteins pro­perties, class of protein metabolism of amino acids, important of protein to energy cycles.
4- Nucleic acids, nucleasides, structure of DNA, types of RNA, application of molecular biology protein bio-synthesis with ribonucleic acids, biological function of DNA, metabolism of ribo- and deoxy-ribonucleotides.
5- Enzymes, regulations of ensymes, harmones and neurotransmiteas.
6- Nutrition, general requirement, protein, vitamin, mineral and trace element.
6Organic Spectroscopy (CH903-6/PG) (3 Credits)
energy and electromagnetic spectrum : the electromagnetic spectrum, absorption of electromagnetic radiat­ion by organic molecules; infra-red spectroscopy: units of frequency, wave length and wave number, molecular vibrations, calculation of vibrational frequency, modes of vibration, quantum restrictions, Factors influencing vibrational frequencies, sampling techniques, identification of functional groups by interpretation of infra-red spectra; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: the spinning.nucleus, the effect of an external magnetic field, precessional motion and precessional frequency, energy transitions, theory of NMR, chemical shift and its measurements, factors influencing chemical shift. electronegativity-shielding and deshielding, anisotropic effect, the splitting of NMR signals, theory of spin-spin splitting, coupling constant J . Proton exchange reactions, factors influencing geminal and vicinal coupling, long range coupling. non-first order spectra, identification of proton system by interpretation of NMR spectra; ultra-violet and visible spectroscopy: of electronic spectroscopy to conjugated dienes. unsaturated carbonyl compounds. Benzene and its substitution derivatives; Mass Spectroscopy: basic principles, the mass spectrometer, sample insertion, inlet system, ion production in the ionization chamber, separation of the ions in the analyzer, ions collections, isotope abundance, the molecular ion. metastable ions, fragmentation processes, fragmentations associated with functional groups.
7Physio-Organic Chemistry (CH903-7/PG) (3 Credits)
Energy of Activation, molecular orbitals, orbital symmetry, effects of structure on reactivity, rate of reaction: kinetics, first order ad second order reactions, mechanisms and methods of determining them, oxidation and reduction (mechanisms and reactions).
8Stereochemistry (An Advanced Course ) (CH903-8/PG) (3 Credits)
            1Optical and Geometrical Isomerism
A. Optical Isomerism: polarimetry, molecular dissymmetry, Molecular Models.
BOptical Isomerism due to asymmetric carbon atom: compounds with on
asymmetric carbon atom, compounds with two or more asymmetric carbon
atom, compounds containing like asymmetric carbon atom in branched chain.
C. Racemic modifications: nature of racemic modifications, formation of racemic modifications (by mixing, by synthesis, by racemisation), thermal Racemzations (by anion formation, by cation formation, by reversible formation of stable inactive intermediates, by walden inversion, by chemical Transfomation). Epimerization: (Mutarotation and first order asymmetric transformation, properties of racemic modification ( racemic mixtures, racemic compounds and racemic solid solutions)
9General Topics (CH903-9/PG) (3 Credits)
Theoretical description of organic molecules: introduction to molecular orbital theory, hukel molecular orbital theory, the perturbational molecular orbital theory, the valence bond and resonance methods.
10Reactive Intermediates (CH903-10/PG) (3 Credits)
Isolation of intermediates, tapping of intermediates, alternative source of intermediates, kinetic evidence for reactive intermediates, some common types of reactive intermediates.
11Carbohydrates (CH903-11/PG) (3 Credits)
Carbohydrate Metabolism, review of CHO chemistry, glycolysis, glycogen synthesis, gluconeogensis, control of blood glucose, pentose phosphate pathway, uronic acid pathway, citric acid cycle, respiratory chain, alanine glucose cycle.
12Proteins and amino Acids Chemistry (CH903-12/PG) (3 Credits)
Protein and Amino acid Metabolism: review of protein and amino acid chemistry, classification of amino acids, classification of protein, protein function, biosynthesis of non-essential amino acids, catabolism of amino acids, amino acid nitrogen, amino acid carbon skeleton, conversion of amino acids to specialized products.
13Nucliec Acids (CH903-13/PG) (3 Credits)
Nucleotides and Nucleic acids: review of purines and pyrimidines chemistry, structure of DNA, structure of RNA, metabolism of purines and pyrimidines nucleotides, DNA organization and replication, RNA synthesis processing and metabolism, genetic code and protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression, recombinant DNA technology, cancer gene and growth factors.
14Fatty Acids (CH903-14/PG) (3 Credits)
Lipid Metaboism, review o f lipid chemistry, biosynthesis of fatty acids, oxidation of fatty acids, ketogensis, metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids, metabolism of acylglycerols, metabolism of sphingolipids, metabolism of cholestrol.
15Seminars (CH903-15/PG) (3 Credits)
Review of articles and seminars
16Special topics (CH903-18/PG) (3 Credits)
Theoretical and practical description of organic materials
IVMScCourses in Physical Chemistry
1Thermodynamics of non-ideal systems and statistical Thermodynamics (CH904/1PG) (3 Credits)
(Compulsory for all MScStudents)
The chemical potential and escaping tendency - Equilibrium between two or more phases - The Fugacity - Standard free-energy functions and equilibrium calculations – Solutions - Non-electrolyte solutions - electrolyte solutions - Theories of electrolyte solutions - Thermal properties of solutions - Activity coefficient from solid - Liquid equilibria
The distribution laws - Some more discussion of partition function - Thermodynamic functions in terms of the partition function - The molecular interpretation of the basic laws of thermodynamics - Evaluation of the partition function – Translational - Rotational, Vibrational, Electronic and Nuclear - Partition functions - Statistical thermodynamics of an ideal crystal - Ideal lattice gas, Statistical derivation of the equation of state for non-ideal fluids.
2Chemical Kinetics (CH904/2PG) (3 Credits)
Order of reaction - Rate constant - Complex reactions (reversible, consecutive and chain reactions) - Effect of temperature on reaction rate - Collision and transition state theories - Fast reactions in solutions (flow and relaxation methods),Statistical thermodynamics - Kinetics of acid-Base catalysis - Diffusion controlled elementary steps of solution reactions - Estimation of reaction from thermodynamic data - Photochemistry.
3. Quantum Chemistry and Molecular structure (CH 904/ 3 PG) (3 Credits) Quantum theory, quantum Mechanical Harmonic oscillator, molecular electronic structure, the Schrödinger Wave Equation, molecular orbital description of the hydrogen molecule, electronic structure of polyatomic molecules, symmetry elements and symmetry operations, identification of point groups of molecules, rotational and vibrational spectroscopy, statistical mechanics.
4Spectroscopy (CH 904/ 4 PG) (3 Credits)
Electromagnetic radiation - Units, Regions of the spectrum, Line width, Resolution - Intensity - Selection Rules - Signal to Noise ratio - Absorption and Emission, Microwave - Infra-Red - Electronic and NMR spectroscopy - Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy - Fluorescence and Phosphorescence - Lasers, Mosbauer spectroscopy - Mass spectroscopy - Physical properties of Molecules: Dipole moment - Optical properties and magnetic properties.
5. Electrochemistry (CH 904/ 5 PG) (3 Credits) Kinetics of some electrode processes: the hydrogen evolution reaction at metal interfaces, the oxygen evolution reaction: the electrochemical oxidation and reduction: electrodepositing of metals and alloys, electrochemical dissolution and passivity of metals, electrochemical corrosion of metals:
6Physical Chemistry of Polymers (CH 904/ 6 PG) (3 Credits)
The kinetics of free radical polymerization - Copolymerization,
Emulsion polymerization & ionic polymerization - The structure of vinyl polymers, Determination of molecular weights - molecular weight distribution in linear and non linear polymers - Configuration of polymer chains - Rubber elasticity-
Statistical thermodynamics of polymer solutions - Phase equilibria in polymer Systems - configuration and frictional properties of the polymer molecule in dilute solution
7Surface Chemistry (CH 904/ 7 PG) (3 Credits)
introduction and thermodynamics of adsorption, the physical and chemical adsorption of gases, treatment of solid adsorbent and gas adsorbed before adsorption. the use of gas or vapor for determination of surface area and pore size distribution, experimental techniques for studying the Gas-Solid Interface, the types of adsorption-desorption (sorption) isotherms, the physical sorption of gases by porous and nonporous solids, treatment of BET equation for adsorption isotherms, assessment of Porosity, the special behavior of water.
8. Homogenous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (CH 904/ 8 PG) (3 Credits) basic principles of catalysis, homogenous catalysts: structure, preparation and use, heterogeneous catalysts: structure, preparation and use, poisons and acceleration of catalysts, kinetics of catalyzed reaction, quantities aspects of catalysis by metals, catalysis in energy conversion, catalysis in the heavy inorganic chemical industry, application of Catalysis.
9. Colloids: Chemistry of colloidal State (CH 904/ 9 PG) (3 Credits) The nature of colloidal state, the different types of colloidal solutions, preparation of colloidal solutions, purification of colloidal solutions, collegative properties of colloidal solutions, sources of charges for the colloid Particles, the important application of colloids.
10Liquid Crystals (CH 904/ 10 PG) (3 Credits)
What are liquid crystals (LCS) – thermotropic and lyotropic LCS, nematic, smectic and cholosteric, discotic phases; director and order-parameter - Liquid crystalline materials and properties - characterization of liquid crystalline phases - electronic properties of liquid crystals - Transport phenomena - Optical properties of liquid crystals. Theories of Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) & photonic applications, operation of twisted nematic display - nonlinear optical properties of LCs. electro optical Properties of LCs. liquid crystal polymers (LCP) polymeric liquid phase transitions in liquid crystals.
11  Photochemistry and Photobiology (CH 904/ 11 PG) (3 Credits)
Introduction, thermal versus photochemical reactions, earth’s atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, photochemical smog, the essential role of ozone in the stratosphere, photosynthesis I and II, mechanism of Vision, biological effects of radiation, problems.
12  Environmental Chemistry and Catalysis in Atmospheric Pollution Control (CH 904/ 12 PG) (3 Credits)
overview for environmental chemistry, natural environmental pollution, human environmental pollution, treatment and disposal of chemical wastes, control of air pollution, the Role of catalysis in atmospheric pollution control.
Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions (CH 904/ 13 PG) (3 Credits) Electrical conduction in solution, a molecular view of the solution process, thermodynamics of ions in solution, ionic activity, colligative properties of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions, biological membranes, partial molar quantities, the thermodynamics of mixing, Binary Mixtures of Volatile Liquids, real solution
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