About the Department

About the Department, Department of Botany

قسم علم النبات أحد الأقسام العلمية بكلية  العلوم ــ جامعة سبها أسس مع تأسيس الكلية عام 1984ف يقبل الطلاب من حملة الثانوية العامة والعلوم الأساسية وعلم الحياة بعد دراسة فصلين دراسيين بالقسم العام  بالنسبة لثانويات نظام ثلاث سنوات, اما نظام اربعة سنوات يتم قبولهم مباشرة, يصل عدد الطلاب به حاليا الي حوالي (230) طالب, ويسعي القسم الي مد الطلاب بأحدث ما توصل اليه العلم  في مجال علم النبات وتدريبهم علي استخدام اساليب البحث العلمي لتطوير البحث وحل المشكلات ذات الصلة بعلم النبات وفروعه المتعددة,  وضم القسم شعبتين, شعبة النبات وشعبة الأحياء الدقيقة حتي سنة 2017 حيث تم خلال هذه السنة استحداث قسم جديد بالكلية وهو قسم الأحياء الدقيقة.

يمنح الطالب بعد التخرج الدرجة العلمية  التخصصية  “البكالوريوس”  وقد شرع تنفيذ برنامج الدراسات العليا بالقسم منذ العام الجامعي 1992ــ1999ف , ويصل عدد طلاب الدراسات العليا حاليا الي 92 طالب .

ويصل عدد من أعضاء هيئة التدريس من الوطنيين والعرب ويبلغ عددهم (24)عضوا, وهم من حملة المؤهلات العلمية المتخصصين يقومون بالتدريس, والأشراف علي البحوث ويقدمون الاستشارات العلمية, كما يضم القسم عددا من المعيدين والفنيين والإداريين .

The department has a good number of laboratories and laboratories equipped with equipment and devices for the purpose of training students and their use in various fields of scientific research. The number is (9), and the department hopes to increase support in terms of equipment and devices for these laboratories and laboratories.

Students from the general secondary and basic sciences and life sciences holders are accepted after studying two semesters in the general department with regard to high school three-year systems. As for the four-year system they are accepted directly, the number of students in it currently reaches about (541) students, and the department seeks to provide students with the most recent findings Science mechanism in the field of botany and their training on the use of scientific research methods to develop research and solve problems related to botany and its multiple branches. The department includes two divisions, the Plant Division and the Microbiology Division. Upon graduation, the student is granted a Bachelor's degree in Botany and the Applied Microbiology Division.

Department's fields and branches of specialization

The department is interested in studying many branches of botany and its various fields, the most important of which are the following:

  • Microorganisms, of which the department includes a division (it is interested in studying the different microorganisms and their importance for humans and plants, and using different microbial techniques to identify them and benefit from them).
  • Plant classification (this branch is concerned with identifying the genera and plant species and arranging them in groups with a common relationship that are related to each other by what distinguishes them from other groups).
  • Plant physiology (this branch focuses on studying the functions of plant members and the vital activities of these organs and their organs).
  • Plant Environment (This branch studies the relationships of plant living organisms, and the various surrounding factors in their habitats such as physical factors such as: the Earth's water and air surroundings, as well as the relationships of these organisms with other other organisms and interest in studying some environmental problems such as climate change, salinity, and desertification Ozone layer, pollution, and other topics).
  • Plant diseases (this branch studies diseases that affect plants and ways to control them).
  • Partial genetics (studies the molecular and chemical composition of the genetic material of living organisms and focus on the plant side of them).
  • Plant anatomy (studies the internal structure of all plant tissues, organs, and organs).
  • Genetics (interested in studying the biological characteristics of an organism and explaining the mechanisms of transmission of these characteristics and characteristics between generations of living organisms, including plants).
  • Tissue culture (studying the use of modern plant propagation techniques).
  • Plant disease control (concerned with combating plant diseases through chemical and biological methods).

Medicinal plants (interested in studying the geographical distribution and use of medicinal plants and the compounds they contain).

About the Department

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