Graduation Project

Graduation Project

The student presents his graduation project after completing a number of courses, whereby a scientific research is presented by selecting a supervisor. This supervisor is one of the faculty members of the department. A short guide to writing research in the Department of Chemistry: the student must follow the following:

A short guide to writing research in the Department of Chemistry

The student must follow the following:

  1. Typeface Times new roman, headline size 16, texts 14, references 12, indexes 12, and double space between lines
  2. The first seven pages are numbered only in Latin, and the numbering starts from the introduction to the digital references
  3. The numbering of the two addresses shall be in the Arabic number (1., 2.1, and 4.1.3.)
  4. Dimensions of pages: Use A4 sheet with the following dimensions left, top and bottom 1 right 7
  5. The search contains the following pages:
  • First page: It contains two titles and names on one separate page

The university logo to the right and the college to the left and write the addresses according to the following

State of Libya

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Sebha University

College of Science

Chemistry Department

The font is Times new roman, size is 20, center, and bold

تكتب جملة التالية قبل البحث” بحت مقدم لاستكمال متطلبات الحصول علي درجة البكالوريوس بعنوان”  بحجم 14 يمين

The title of the paper is written in 16 center and wide font size

The names of the students and the supervisor in 14 center line

The end of the first page is written: the academic year 2015-2016, for example

  • The third page: The verse on one separate page, if any, and it is not permissible to exceed one page
  • The fourth page: The word “dedication” and its title “dedication” on one separate page. It is not permissible to exceed one page
  • Fourth page: A word of thanks and its title is a word of thanks on one separate page
  • Fifth page: the index on one page or separate pages
  • Sixth page: Index of figures on one page or separate pages
  • Seventh page: Index of tables on one page or separate pages
  • Eighth page: Abbreviations on one separate page
  • Ninth page: The summary does not exceed one separate page and includes the search keys
  • The tenth page: 1. The introduction, including pagination, begins
  • Goals: After presented on one separate page
  • The practical side includes two parts, chemicals, devices, and the second part, methods
  • Results and discussion: start on a new page
  • Conclusion: one separate page
  • Recommendations include future work and on one separate page, in the form of points
  • References are independent page and do not number 12 font size with no spaces between lines and 2 spacing between each reference
  1. Accessories
  2. It is not permissible to repeat a table and a figure showing the same results, one of which may be placed in the annexes

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