Vision, mission and goals

Vision, mission and goals


The Department of Physics aspires to be a pioneer in the field of education, scientific research and community service.


Contribute to meeting the needs of society by providing distinguished educational programs and contribute to discovering and applying knowledge and developing society through scientific research in the fields of multiple physics.


  1. Providing high-quality educational programs that enable graduates to compete in the job market.
  2. The initiative to carry out active activities that benefit society through excellence in scientific research.
  3. To play an active role towards the community by meeting its needs through the scientific and educational experiences of faculty members and equipment owned by the department and finding means to support this role.
  4. Giving graduates a sense of the importance of knowledge, the need to follow and be informed throughout life, in order to maintain their jobs and be ready for further studies.

Department goals

  1. Graduating competent physicists with the basic skills and knowledge to face various challenges in the field of physics.
  2. Keeping abreast with the latest developments in the fields of physics, through continuous and periodic evaluation of study programs.
  3. Conducting research and studies on problems in the field of physics to increase knowledge and provide innovative solutions to them.
  4. Communicating with institutions and bodies related to physics to enhance and support scientific research and activate the educational process.

Vision, mission and goals

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