Vision, mission and goals
Active and distinguished participation in its field of specialization and achieving its goals as one of the most important scientific departments in the university by seeking to provide distinguished university education in the field of botany in the light of the college’s vision and mission.
We always strive to develop academic and academic processes and related matters to ensure the continuation of the educational process to reach the highest levels of competence with regard to graduates, excellence and upgrading the level of scientific research in all areas of specialization.
Department goals
- Preparing national cadres and scientific competencies necessary for the research and educational process.
- Graduating scientific cadres specialized in the field of botany and its different branches to meet the needs of the college, the corresponding colleges and specialized research centers in various fields covering all specialties of botany.
- Providing students with sufficient theoretical, practical and technical information available that enables them to work in a correct and sound manner in their field of scientific specialization after graduation.
- Contribute to the spread of knowledge of its true to serve the community and raise the efficiency of specialists in the field of botany through continuous training and rehabilitation.
- Conducting scientific studies and specialized research in various fields of botany, developing links and exchanging experiences with the corresponding scientific and research bodies inside and outside Libya, according to a studied plan.
- Contributing positively to solving some problems facing the community and its development in the field of the department’s competence, with the participation of faculty members in some specialized committees and active participation in scientific seminars and conferences held at home and abroad.
- Interest in studying some problems and phenomena related to the environment, such as pollution, desertification and drought, and finding ways to solve them.
- Attention to study the species and plant species, including medicinal and desert, and preserve them from extinction.