The Sub-Committee on Research Ethics

شعار اللجنة العلمية لاخلاقيات البحث العلمي

Scientific research is one of the activities that humans care about and engage in, in order to achieve and keep up with progress. It is the true foundation of any civilization throughout the ages. However, some ethical dilemmas may arise from certain scientific activities that affect humans or their social and environmental surroundings. Therefore, many countries around the world have shown clear interest in ethical issues related to scientific activities and research to increase awareness of the importance of ethical values that researchers and the general public must adhere to.

Ultimately, ensuring that scientific research activities and their technological applications respect human rights, preserve human dignity and freedom requires the establishment of national committees dedicated to research ethics. These committees are tasked with developing national standards and laws to regulate the behavior of researchers and scientists in this field.

Thus, in 2012, the National Committee for Biosafety and Biological Ethics was established in Libya. It aims to enhance compliance with ethical values in scientific research practices.

Following the foregoing, the Sub-Committee for Biological Ethics (Research Ethics) was established at Sebha University by Decision No. (832) of 2023, which was approved by the National Committee for Biosafety and Biological Ethics of the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research. The committee was assigned the unified national number (014) for use in ethical approvals.

For all those who wish to undertake research and scientific activities related to the following:

  • Human Sciences (medical research in all its forms (collecting samples of human fluids or tissues from volunteers (such as blood samples, tissues, saliva), or genetic engineering and cloning research, or research on embryos, or studies related to psychology and behaviors, or research on restricted individuals (prisoners, detainees), or persons with special needs, or on disadvantaged groups (economically, socially), or individuals lacking legal capacity due to a mental illness, or individuals involved in illegal activities (such as drug addicts).
  • Animal Sciences (research on breeding and genetic engineering, injections or fertilization, drugs, or collecting blood samples or biological samples).
  • Plant Sciences (research on breeding, studies related to genetic modifications, research on endangered plants).
  • Environmental Sciences (research in the field of environmental sciences related to humans, animals, or plants).
  • Any other topics that academic institutions may introduce that require ethical approval.
Important Note:In order to apply for preliminary committee approval, you must complete the forms prepared for this purpose (attached below), and it is not permissible to commence the research before submitting the ethical approval request and obtaining it.

For further inquiries, please contact the committee via email at:

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