A logo is a non-verbal language that differs from spoken language in which we interpret meaning through centralization of the message. In other words, all language speakers understand the meaning in a centralized way through interpretation. As for the logo, its meaning relies on interpretation, which is emphasized and studied by the science of semiotics and studies the symbol in which the meaning is not apparent but hidden.
The Elements of The University Logo That Represent The Surface Structure are:
1- The blue color surrounding the logo from below, left, and right.
2- The two ears of wheat leaning on the edges of the book from right to left.
3- The sea that surrounds the logo until it reaches the sides of the word “Read”.
4- The silver color, in the form of a circle, comes after the sea.
5- The sun in which light and radiance appear.
6- The book, positioned as the foundation of the logo.
7- The inkwell.
8- The pen.
9- When the logo is placed from top to bottom, the face of a lion appears.
These are the distinct features of the semiological analysis of the university logo, and we have relied on interpretation. It is known that different interpretations indicate different perspectives and agreement on meaning. Some people may perceive the sea as abundance, others as purity, and some as giving.