His Excellency the Minister Dr. Omran Al-Qaib met with the directors of the international cooperation offices of Libyan universities in his office at the Ministry’s office on Tuesday afternoon, 2024/8/27

His Excellency the Minister, Dr. Omran Al-Qaib, met at his office in the Ministry’s office on Tuesday afternoon, 2024/8/27 AD, with the directors of the international cooperation offices of the Libyan universities participating in the Armonia project (Sabha – Tripoli – Nalut – Misrata – Sabratha – Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies), as part …

The Libyan Academy for Graduate Studies hosts the focus group meeting for the ARMONIA project under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Janzour | July 10, 2024

The Libyan Academy for Graduate Studies is hosting a focus group meeting for the ARMONIA project under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a joint competitive project between the Libyan Academy and the International Cooperation Office. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the …

International seminars at Zawiya University.

Within the framework of the International Cooperation Office of Zawiya University’s endeavor to achieve the university’s strategic goals…

Therefore … On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the office organized an international seminar in partnership with the Union of Euro-Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED) on strengthening management and studies on migration issues in Libya, with the international participation of …

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom – Libya – visits the university and meets with its officials.

Dr. visited. Martin Longden, the British Ambassador to Libya, was welcomed by: Acting President of the University, And the general writer, Director of the International Cooperation Office, Director of the Language Center, Dean of the College of Human Medicine, Chairman of the Faculty Committee, Director of the Faculty Affairs Department, And a group of …

The General Coordinator of the SAHA Project at the University of Pavia, Italy, Professor Antonio Moreno, funded by the European Union, resigned.

Mr. Dr. Hamed Abdullah Al-Hudayri received the Dean of the College this Tuesday morning, corresponding to | April 23, 2024 AD, in the presence of Mr. Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Aswisi, the Vice Dean of the College, Mr. Dr. Abdel Salam Bel Hajj, Director of the Project, and a number of distinguished faculty members at …

Signing a joint scientific cooperation agreement between Sebha University and the University of Tripoli.

On the sidelines of the fourth consultative meeting of the Council of Presidents of Libyan Universities, which was hosted by Sebha University in the main meeting room in the university’s general administration building, Dr. signed. Masoud Al-Raqiq, President of Sebha University, with Dr. Khaled Aoun, President of the University of Tripoli, concluded a joint …

Sebha University signs a joint scientific cooperation agreement with Ajdabiya University.

On the sidelines of the fourth consultative meeting of the Supreme Council of Presidents of Libyan Universities, held at Sebha University on Thursday (February 15, 2024 AD) in the main meeting room in the university’s general administration building… Dr. Masoud Muhammad Al-Raqiq, President of Sebha University, signed with Dr. Muhammad Saeed Abu Haliqa, President …

Signing a joint scientific cooperation agreement with the University of Zintan.

On the sidelines of the consultative meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities held at Sebha University on Thursday, February 15, 2024,

Mr. Dr. Masoud Ahmed Al-Raqiq, President of Sebha University, and Mr. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Daqali, President of the University of Zintan, a joint scientific cooperation agreement between the two universities, which stipulates facilitating …

Signing a joint scientific cooperation agreement between Sebha University and Al-Jafara University

On the sidelines of the fourth consultative meeting of the Council of Presidents of Libyan Universities, which was hosted by Sebha University in the main meeting room in the university’s general administration building, …Signed by Dr. Masoud Al-Raqiq, President of Sebha University, with Prof. Dr. Al-Fitouri Daw Nasr Muftah, President of Al-Jafara University, concluded …

Signing a joint scientific cooperation agreement between Sebha University and the Asmaria Islamic University

On the sidelines of the fourth consultative meeting of the Council of Presidents of Libyan Universities, which was hosted by Sebha University in the main meeting room in the university’s general administration building, Dr. signed. Masoud Al-Raqiq, President of Sebha University, with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Suleiman bin Abdul Hafeez, signed a joint scientific cooperation …

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