We ask you to participate in the survey of the digital transformation project for Libyan universities, Go Digital Libya

As part of Sebha University’s participation in the Go Digital Libya project, Which aims to formulate a digital transformation policy for Libyan universities. We ask you to contribute with us by answering this questionnaire. Your opinions and suggestions will be included in the draft digital transformation plan at Sebha University, which will be presented …

AFRIKA KOMMT! – An Initiative of German Industry for Future Leaders from Africa

AFRIKA KOMMT! brings together the most visionary young leaders from Africa and leading German companies. Companies benefit from the experience, knowledge, local network and unique African perspective of the young professionals. The African fellows dive deep into the German corporate specifics, German business spirit and the German culture
At the heart of the one-year program …

A scholarship provided by the state of Trento, Italy

Emerging from the cooperation agreement between Sebha University, the State of Trento, and the Sebha Municipal Council within the REBUILD project, The state of Trento in Italy provided one fully paid scholarship for graduates of Sebha University in English.
To apply and for more information about the available specializations, please see the following information and …

Scholarships provided by the Egyptian-Japanese University of Science and Technology for postgraduate students.

We received information from the Association of Arab Universities about the availability of scholarships offered by the Egyptian-Japanese University of Science and Technology for postgraduate students. Anyone who wishes to study at this university should go to this link.

Nearly 86 million compresses are compressed in 18 minutes. In Italy, the maggior and …

Announcement of scholarships to complete studies abroad provided by the Italian government 2021-2022


How many people are looking to complete their master’s or doctoral studies?

This opportunity is now available to you. You can apply to study and complete your studies abroad

In the program provided by the Italian government for the year 2021-2022 for students in Libya, scholarships are granted to complete their studies abroad in a number …

An international symposium on the Arabic language in Africa for all Arab departments and those interested.

The International Association of Arabic Language Departments invites all those interested and specialists in the field of the Arabic language
To participate and attend an international symposium on the Arabic language in Africa
The date is from June 30 (6) to July 1 (7) 2021
The place is Zoom online
For those wishing to register to participate in …

Announcement of virtual youth development seminars “Developing youth skills for success in the post-Covid-19 pandemic”

Within the framework of enhancing fruitful cooperation between the State of Libya and the Islamic Development Bank Group.
The Islamic Development Bank is organizing a program of virtual seminars in partnership with the Microsoft Charitable Foundation, during the period from June 12 to 24, 2021. With the aim of supporting young people, building their capacity …

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