اFor the study plan (Bachelor) Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Sebha University
- University requirements
To obtain a bachelor's degree requires a student to complete (149) units of study [1] at least, distributed over (4) academic years, Each academic year consists of (2) two semesters (fall semester and spring semester.) To obtain a bachelor's degree, the student must pass the following:
University Requirements (10 study units) These are the required study units for all Sabha University students in various colleges.
- College requirements
College Requirements (4 academic units) which are the required study units for all college students in the various departments.
- Department admission requirements
Department requirements (133 units of study) distributed as follows: -
- Supporting Courses (25 credits) aiming to prepare the student for preparation in basic courses in other disciplines such as mathematics and physics.
- Compulsory courses (99 academic units) the student is required to study.
- Elective Courses (6 credits) the student chooses from a set of courses offered by the department.
- Graduation project with (3) units of study devoted to a project that the student performs under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff in the department.