study plan

study plan

الخطة الدراسية (البكالوريوس)

To obtain a bachelor's degree requires a student to complete (149) units of study [1] at least, distributed over (4) academic years, Each academic year consists of (2) two semesters (fall semester and spring semester.) To obtain a bachelor's degree, the student must pass the following:

  • University requirements

University Requirements (10 study units) These are the required study units for all Sabha University students in various colleges.

  • College requirements

College Requirements (4 academic units) which are the required study units for all college students in the various departments.

  • Department admission requirements

Department requirements (133 units of study) distributed as follows: -

  1. Supporting Courses (25 credits) aiming to prepare the student for preparation in basic courses in other disciplines such as mathematics and physics.
  2. Compulsory courses (99 academic units) the student is required to study.
  3. Elective Courses (6 credits) the student chooses from a set of courses offered by the department.
  4. Graduation project with (3) units of study devoted to a project that the student performs under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff in the department.

الجدول التالي يوضح الرموز المستخدمة للمقررات ومعناها :

المعنى علم كيمياء علم الفيزياء علم الحاسوب علم الرياضيات علم الحيوان علم النبات علوم الارض لغة عربية لغة إنجليزيه تاريخ ليبيا تاريخ العلوم


study plan 
البكالوريوس ( الإجازة الجامعية ) في علوم الكيمياء  (Chemistry  B.Sc. in)
مكونات الخطة
تتكون الخطة الدراسية لدرجة البكالوريوس ( الإجازة الجامعية ) في علوم الكيمياء  من ( 147 ) وحدة معتمدة موزعة على النحو التالي:

ر.م The course Credits
1 Department requirements from the university (general requirements) 10
2 Department Requirements from the College (Supporting Requirements) 29
3 Department Specialized Requirements (Compulsory) 102
4 متطلبات القسم الاختيارية 6
المجمــــــــــــــــــــوع 147

[1] – وحدة دراسية تعادل ساعة زمنية
