Postgraduate Forms

Postgraduate forms


This is a package of postgraduate studies at Sabha University for everything related to facilitating procedures

  • Student-specific forms
  • And another for faculty members
  • Models for discussions by moderators, moderators, and others
  • And models for completing the administrative work related to this stage,

You can obtain any form in the format Microsoft Word Document by simply clicking on the word download .

Postgraduate Forms


#numberTitleDownload the form
1111.01.02Postgraduate applicationdownload
2111.01.02 Admission to the graduate programdownload
3111.01.03 Renewal registration form for a graduate studentdownload
4111.01.04 Suspending the registration of a graduate studentdownload
5111.01.05 Download courses for a graduate studentdownload
6111.01.06 Announcing the results of a graduate studentdownload
7111.01.07A statement for a graduate studentdownload
8111.01.08 The curriculum equation for a transfer student download
9111.01.09 Changing the major of a studies student download
10111.01.10 Supervising approval of the Master Thesis download
11111.01.11 CV of the supervisor of the master thesisdownload
12111.01.12 Supervisor and student professor data for the research
13111.01.13 A supervisor's follow-up report for a graduate studentdownload
14111.01.15 Change the first supervisor of a master's thesis download
15111.01.16 Change the second supervisor to a master's thesisdownload
16111.01.17 Modify the title of the Master Thesis download
17111.01.18 Supervisor Report, Readiness for Master Thesis download
18111.01.19 Discussion Professor Form (Member of a discussion committee) download
19111.01.20Decision of the Master Thesis Discussion Committee download
20111.01.21 Finalize the necessary corrections for the MA thesis after discussion download
21111.01.22The report of the department head concerned about the procedures for discussing a master's thesisdownload
22111.01.23 Submit a master's thesis to the library download
23111.01.24 Adoption of the outcome of a discussion download
24111.01.26 Warning for a graduate student download
25111.01.27 Finalize the corrections required for the MA thesis after the Secret Appraisal download
26111.01.29 Schedule of teaching hours for faculty members download
27111.01.30CV of the second supervisordownload
28111.01.31 Evacuation of the party of a graduate student download
29111.01.33 Secret resident form download
30111.01.34 Secret assessment form for a master thesisdownload
31نموذج رقم د. ع. (111.01.35). استلام ملف للالتحاق بالدراسات العلياdownload

About the administration

The Sabha University was established by decision of the former People's Committee No. 187/1983 AD where it was sold University of Tripoli from 1976 AD The university contains eighteen colleges spread in the southern region, and seeks through its vision, goals and mission Towards civilization progress and to meet the multiple needs of the region in general, and to achieve sustainable development in raising the educational level of the individual in southern Libya, and to push the wheel of scientific progress forward. Among the departments that help the university achieve its goals are the Department of Graduate Studies and Training at the university.

Department's Graduate Studies Office

It is considered one of the basic offices for the work of the University's Graduate Studies and Training Department.

is concerned with the following:

  1. Receive the nomination of the various employers, including organizational divisions related to the university, for the purposes of graduate study inside, and their classification and classification.
  2. Determine and identify areas of open graduate study inside, and the preparation that can be directed to them.
  3. Participate in conducting the necessary research and studies to determine the possibility of developing new specializations for postgraduate studies, and developing existing ones.
  4. Preparing plans and programs for graduate studies inside, and supervising their implementation.
  5. Prepare the necessary draft budget for the implementation of plans and programs for graduate studies inside, and follow up on their approval and implementation.
  6. Receive follow-up reports on the implementation of plans and programs of graduate studies inside, study and analyze them, and take the necessary measures to overcome the difficulties and problems that direct implementation
  7. Searching and studying requests for extending higher studies inside, and proposing the necessary procedures related to the extension or termination, and ensuring that students return to start their work in the area they follow and present them to the committee of the university.
  8. Participation in seminars, symposia, and scientific forums related to the office's activities at home and abroad.
  9. Preparing periodic and annual follow-up reports on the office's activity.
  10. Participate in the work of committees and work teams related to the office's activity.

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