Sebha University: The Ambassador of the United Kingdom visits the university and meets with its officials.


Dr. Martin Longden, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Libya, visited the General Administration building of Sebha University on Tuesday morning, April 30, 2024. He was received by the Acting University President, the Secretary-General, the Director of the International Cooperation Office, the Director of the Language Center, the Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine, the Chair of the Faculty Members Committee, the Director of the Faculty Members Affairs Administration, and a group from the Academic Forum of the University. The Ambassador received a warm welcome from the attendees.

The British Ambassador informed the attendees that this visit was his first to Fizzan region and that it was among his top priorities to strengthen cooperation, understand the general situation through the living reality of the region, and assist in supporting stability. He praised Sebha University for its service to the local community and its significant contribution to pushing forward the development and progress in the region of Fizzan in particular, highlighting its role in building the youth who are relied upon for the future.

His Excellency expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all attendees in general, and particularly to Sebha University for the warmth of the reception and generous hospitality. He also expressed his complete confidence in the academic elite of the university and their effective contribution to building Fizzan in particular, and Libya in general, without a doubt.

The Acting University President began his speech by presenting an overview of Sebha University, its faculties, and fields of specialization in general. The attendees provided input and comments about the university and its commitment to the educational process and scientific activities, all in line with the vision of this prestigious institution, which is recognized for its leadership in education, scientific research, community service, and environmental preservation.

At the end of the meeting, the Acting University President presented a commemorative shield and some gifts to the British Ambassador and his accompanying delegation. Following the conclusion of the meeting, the British Ambassador visited the Language Center along with the Acting University President, the Director of the Language Center, and the Director of the International Cooperation Office at the University to explore the vast potential in language education available for different segments of the community.

(University Media Center, Sebha University).

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