The Impact of Sustainable Environmental Design In High-rise Buildings (Tripoli)

Mansour Ali Ealiwa (1)
(1) , Libya


The construction of high-rise buildings in their accustomed forms will contribute to the aggravation problems of urban development in most cities of the Arab countries and specifically in Tripoli the Libyan capital, because of the consumption of high quantities of energy needed to operate the necessary equipment needed by the occupants of these buildings, simply because the accelerate appearance  of these high towers in the Tripoli city center raises the question to the relevant official authorities'  readiness for this new development stage of infrastructure and road network to deal with this modern urban development, in addition to that, the environmental standards adopted in the core and implementation of these towers to improve the energy efficiency of these giant buildings.  The suitability of these standards to local environmental conditions and the privacy of the urban design of the city. In addition, increasing population and urban growth of the Arabian cities generally and the Tripoli city particularly in recent years, accompanied by significant energy consumptions.  Therefore, this paper highlights the impact of sustainable environmental design in high-rise buildings and a new horizons a scientific architectural research in the field of high-quality buildings,  Utilization of renewable energy sources because of their positive environmental, social and economic repercussions that support the great development movement witnessed in our Arabian cities, and study the role of sustainable environmental design in improving energy efficiency in high buildings ended up with  related indicators and recommendations that can be used as a standard  environmentally friendly designs to achieving sustainable and smart cities in Libya , which can create high energy-saving buildings.

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Mansour Ali Ealiwa
منصور اعليوه الزوي. (2019). The Impact of Sustainable Environmental Design In High-rise Buildings (Tripoli). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(4).

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