Analytical study of the extent to which seawater is contaminated with organic materials from sewage –Sirte city

Ail.E.M.Alzarqah , Eshtawe.M.Agadid , Abdassalam.A.alfergani (1)
(1) , Libya


The aim of this study to determine the sea pollution which occur due to discharge of sewage water into sea and working to insure of getting clean and healthy coast environment. As the Sirte city was severing from  the war in  2011 and 2016 which caused on destroy of huge part from the city infrastructure. The sewage water treatment station was suspended and the sewage water was diverted to the sea without any mentioned treatment. It was essential to study the effect of  pollution on the sea so the survey was conducted to know how the pollution with sewage water, which is containing the organic and non- organic compounds.  The sample were collected from sea water in second area, where the sewage water outlet is located, to study the organic compounds pollution by measuring of some physical and chemical properties of water. The study is including of measuring of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Temperature, reading . The results  indicate that there is high pollution with organic compound as the BOD5 and  COD  are at high concentration.

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Ail.E.M.Alzarqah , Eshtawe.M.Agadid , Abdassalam.A.alfergani
علي عمران الزرقة و اشتيوي امحمد الجديد و عبدالسلام عبدالحفيظ الفرجاني. (2019). Analytical study of the extent to which seawater is contaminated with organic materials from sewage –Sirte city. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(2).

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