Radicular Cysts

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Abdulsalam E. Ibrahim, Naima F . Elbreki, Marwah M. Ighiyis


Radicular cyst is the most common inflammatory jaw cystic lesion that occurs in necrotic pulp of a nonvital tooth. This account for more than 50% of all odontogenic cysts.

Radicular cyst are generally asymptomatic and diagnosed during routine radiologic investigations. Enucleating the cyst with or without endodontic therapy of the affected tooth is recommended as the primary treatment when lesion is small size.


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Abdulsalam E. Ibrahim, Naima F . Elbreki, Marwah M. Ighiyis. (2018). Radicular Cysts. Journal of Medical Sciences, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.51984/joms.v13i1.319