Secure remote control of offices and stocks based on use of CCTV and image process

Ahmed B. Elmadani , Abdulkarim I. Abughfa (1)
(1) , Libya


Offices and related stocks day to day are in increase to several and they are distributed in deferent places, spotting them become a tedious job. CCTV and internet, and other technologies were used to facilitate monitoring them, but most purposes require that humans detect and respond to events and due to that error are always exist.  This paper proposes an algorithm uses secure internet and image process to control government and company branches. Meanwhile it solves mobility and minimizes human intervention in decision making regarding received scene.

Ahmed B. Elmadani , Abdulkarim I. Abughfa. (2018). Secure remote control of offices and stocks based on use of CCTV and image process. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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