Evaluation of the stability of the rock masses on the slopes adjacent to the mountain road Zintan (NW Libya)

A. Alakhdar , A. Mansur (1)
(1) , Libya


he fieldwork and analysis of the data obtained for the study area showed that the Zintan mountain road and its comparison with scientific and international standards and specialized research showed a change in the mechanical properties of the adjacent mountain road from a study of Fractures and random intervals and regular on the surfaces of rock masses, and the change was not in This is due to the rock masses of the rocky type (DOLOSTON), which is due to the formation of Sidi AS Sid as AIN TOPI member. This rock contributed to reduce the chemical weathering effect and increase the weathering effect Mechanical, especially caused by the thermal effect, and is considered rainfall most important erosion and a factors catalyst for the movement of the blocks or parts of blocks The rock masses on the slopes are mechanically stable, although there is a change in the physical and mechanical properties, especially the quality or durability (RQD), The weakness in the rock blocks, will lead to the movements of the most important rock fall because the angle of stability of blocks ranging from (70 ° -90 °), The excavation works used to make the road on the slopes had a significant impact in determining the angle of stability of the blocks and making the rock (road cut) more susceptible to erosion factors. It was found that the classification of the cracks was Extremely wide spaced at an average of 205.5cm. The mass was weak based on the rock strength classification. The mean Rock Quality Designation (RQD) for the study area (61.5%, Fair) and the mean separation of the measured mass (24mm, Moderately narrow).

ابوالقاسم الأخضر و علي منصور. (2018). Evaluation of the stability of the rock masses on the slopes adjacent to the mountain road Zintan (NW Libya). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v17i1.104

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