Study of the concentration of some pollutants of wastewater from water purification plants

Entesar EM. Abojlaida , Fouziyah MA. Samhoud (1)
(1) , Libya


The study was carried out from the beginning of April to the end of July 2017 in the Ajailat (79 )km west of Tripoli. 20 samples of 10 water samples (wells) and 10 wastewater samples from the stations in the study area were collected. After conducting the necessary analyzes and comparing the results with the international standards, all the studied stations exceeded the allowed limits of treated wastewater The total dissolved salts in the wastewater were 5800 mg / L while the concentration in the well water was 3460 mg / L. The concentration of chloride in the water P to 2622 mg / L and the concentration was in the water well before treated 1341 mg / l. The sodium concentration was 658 mg / L while its concentration in source water was 466 mg / L. It is clear from the results that wastewater from water purification plants is a source of polluting the environment with its pollutants and by high concentrations. It is necessary to follow up the stations by the competent authorities and obligate them to add treatment units to treat the wastewater generated from the plants before dumping them in the environment due to the consequences of their damage to the environment, which shows the importance of introducing the environmental dimension when thinking about the establishment of water purification plants, Environmental impact assessment from the process of planning and selection of appropriate technology and the use of environmental materials to the operation of the station.

إنتصار إمحمد أبوجليدة و فوزية المبروك سمهود. (2018). Study of the concentration of some pollutants of wastewater from water purification plants. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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