The contribution of developing Algeria Post for electronic financial services to confront the Coronavirus

Benzair Mebarek, Boudkhile Mohamed Amine, Benchellat Mustafa (1)
(1) , Libya


Electronic banking is an important factor in raising the level of progress and the financial well-being of the country, by providing mechanisms and financial services to customers remotely using technological means of communication, the most important of which is the Internet. In order to insure that financial resources are accessible all the time and from everywhere, which leads-on the one side-to the the efficiency of financial transfers for individuals and, on the other, to lowering prices and improving consistency in the delivery of financial and banking services;Given the health problems that have engulfed the globe, illustrated by the appearance and dissemination of the current Corona virus, the countries of the world had to take precautions and steps to restrict the dissemination of this virus; And maybe perhaps the most significant of such steps and procedures is the implementation of quarantine and social isolation between individuals Community, and what aids in this is that individuals perform their financial and banking operations remotely utilizing electronic banking systems, such that everyone may carry out any of their financial operations from home without the need for movement or directcontact between him and the various institutions. Algeria is like many nations that have returned to the exclusion and mutual distancing measures.To this end, it became important to provide online banking and financial services in order to allow members of society to satisfy their needs, and this is what financial institutions in Algeria, including the Algeria Paper, have adopted as the latter has provided and developed its electronic financial services to facilitate its clients to carry out various financial operations from anywhere Their presence without the need to go out and move to the headquarters of the institution.

بن زاير مبارك و بودخيل محمد الأمين و بن شلاط مصطفى. (2020). The contribution of developing Algeria Post for electronic financial services to confront the Coronavirus. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(6), 116–123.

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