PIC Microcontroller Based Water level Monitoring and Controlling System using Sharp Infra-red range sensor

Ibrahim A. Nasir , Hasan Alkhadafe , Kadja Mohammed (1)
(1) , Libya


The paper presents the design and implementation of the water level monitoring and controlling system, which aims to overcome of issues that may present as a result of using manual systems for filling up domestic water tanks, such as, flooding of water in residential areas, which leads to the decline in roads and disruption of traffic, waste of energy, an increase in the noise pollution caused by the sound of the pumps and  lack of water available in the network. The implementation of the proposed system is based on PIC microcontroller and Sharp GP2D02 infra-red range sensor, which is used to measure the water level within a tank and based on this measurement, the water pump is turned ON or OFF automatically. The statuses of the water level and the pump are displayed using LEDs. The experimental results show that the proposed system is succeed in measuring the water level and turning the water pump ON or OFF according to the water level.

Ibrahim A. Nasir , Hasan Alkhadafe , Kadja Mohammed. (2018). PIC Microcontroller Based Water level Monitoring and Controlling System using Sharp Infra-red range sensor . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v17i1.135

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