Problems And Obstacles which Constrain the Optimal Construction Site Management into Libyan Large-Scale Projects

Mohammed Alzohbi, Lotfi Gergab , Paul Stephenson (1)
(1) , Libya


The management of the construction site (CSM) includes a combination of a number of activities that can reflect the project in its final form and directly influences security, material supply, resource utilisation, health and safety, planning, cost and all other aspects of construction that permeate the implementation of the project. Practically, it is not a simple procedure to manage a site successfully. Construction work has become a complex set of processes, and there are numerous management challenges which are continually occurring on construction sites. Hence the importance of this paper, which aims to study "problems and obstacles which constrain the optimal management of the construction site, as well as to identify approaches and methods that can be used to address these difficulties and obstacles and solve these problems”.This study adopted a mixed approach that included many research activities, including an in-depth review of the relevant literature to explore the most important problems facing CSM and the possible solutions used in previous studies. In the context of the on-site study, a qualitative approach, including field visits and semi-structured interviews, was used within five large-scale projects suggested by organisations which have worked on behalf of GMRWUA in Libya. This was followed by an assessment of the CSM Problems in terms of their importance and  frequency of occurrence, through the use of the quantitative approach (questionnaire).The main findings of the paper focus on the identification and classification of the problems of the CSM in terms of their effect on managing construction sites, and their frequency of occurrence. In addition, the problem-solving approaches to be taken by the CSM team were identified in the GMRWUA Projects, which can help in mitigating the CSM problems in future.

Mohammed Alzohbi, Lotfi Gergab , Paul Stephenson. (2018). Problems And Obstacles which Constrain the Optimal Construction Site Management into Libyan Large-Scale Projects . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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