Taxonomical study on macroinvertebrates in Ain- Zayanah lagoon. Benghazi- Libya

Aisha. Amer, Fatma. El-Toumi (1)
(1) , Libya


The taxonomical study of macroinvertebrates in Ain Zayana lagoon was shown four phyla: Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca and Arthropoda, 28 families and 36 genera. Nematoda represent one species and three species of Annelida. Mollusca include eighteen species, three of them belong to Bivalvia and fifteen species to Gastropoda. Arthropoda which include thirteen families,  six species of Insecta and eight species of Crustacea.

Aisha. Amer, Fatma. El-Toumi. (2018). Taxonomical study on macroinvertebrates in Ain- Zayanah lagoon. Benghazi- Libya. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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