Factors explaining the weakness of the internal audit's role in reducing financial and administrative corruption in Libyan institutions ( From the viewpoint of auditors employed by the Libyan Audit Bureau )

Saleh Miloud Khalat , Fathi Ramadan Mousa (1)
(1) , Libya


The purpose of this study is to find out and identify the factors that explain the weakness of the role of the internal audit function in facing and reduce the financial and administrative corruption in Libyan institutions. To achieve this goal a descriptive analytical approach was adopted, using the questionnaire as a primary means to collect data. The questionnaire distributed to the auditors employed by the Libyan Audit Bureau. After analyzing the data and testing hypotheses of the study, the findings reveals that there are a some of regulatory and administrative, legal, and personality factors behind the weakness of the role of internal audit in discovering the financial and administrative corruption and reduce it in Libyan institutions. Accordingly and based on these findings, some recommendations were provided.

صالح ميلود خلاط و فتحي رمضان موسى. (2018). Factors explaining the weakness of the internal audit’s role in reducing financial and administrative corruption in Libyan institutions ( From the viewpoint of auditors employed by the Libyan Audit Bureau ). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v17i2.158

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