Ionic conduction in calcium and samarium co-doped ceria/carbonate nanocomposite based electrolyte

Ibrahim A. Amar, Abubaker Sharif, Mohammed M. Ahwidi and Fatema A. Saleh (1)
(1) , Libya


In this paper, the ionic conductivity of a nanocomposite electrolyte composed of calcium and samarium co-doped ceria (CSDC) and ternary carbonate was investigated. Calcium and samarium co-doped ceria (Ce0.8Sm0.18Ca0.02O2-?) was synthesised via sol-gel process. A nanocomposite electrolyte was prepared by mixing CSDC with ternary carbonate at a weight ratio of 70:30. The structure and thermal decomposition of the electrolyte were characterised by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and simultaneous thermal analysis (STA), respectively.The oxygen and proton ion conductivities of the composite electrolyte were measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) within the temperature range of 300-600 °C. The oxygen ion (O2-) conductivities at 600 °C for samples sintered at 600 and 700°C were found to be 0.30 and 0.44 S cm?1, respectively. The proton ion (H+) conductivities were found to be 0.33 and 0.41 S cm?1 for samples sintered at 600 and 700°C, respectively. The composite electrolyte was stable under both oxidising and reducing atmosphere.

Ibrahim A. Amar, Abubaker Sharif, Mohammed M. Ahwidi and Fatema A. Saleh. (2018). Ionic conduction in calcium and samarium co-doped ceria/carbonate nanocomposite based electrolyte. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2).

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