The reality of internal control under electronic accounting information systems in commercial banks"A Field Study on Commercial Banks in Al Jafra Region"

Masoud Ali Arfa (1)
(1) , Libya


The aim of this study was to identify a very important topic, namely, to know the impact of the training strategy In raising the level of performance of services in financial institutions and represented by the Social Security Fund Tripoli, The analysis process focused on examining the axes of the training strategy using the descriptive analytical method by analyzing the data that might be obtained by preparing a questionnaire Contains a set of questions that meet the requirements of the study and then processed in the form of statistical package spss in order to access the validity or hypothesis of the hypothesis, The study concluded that the null hypothesis and the validity of the alternative hypothesis were not accepted, with a statistically significant effect between the training strategy and the level of performance of services in financial institutions  The researcher made a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the interest of the role of the training strategy in its various areas in order to obtain more effective services for the Fund.


مسعود علي عرفه. (2018). The reality of internal control under electronic accounting information systems in commercial banks"A Field Study on Commercial Banks in Al Jafra Region". Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2).

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