Efficiency extent of green tea on modulation of some blood indices and lipid profiles in rabbits treated with ethanol

N. M. Laji and S. A. Alzien (1)
(1) , Libya


Consumption of alcohol at high concentration  affects  several  body tissues , liver, blood  components, kidney and other organs. The treatment options are common  nutrients  such as green tea which contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The present study was carried out to determine the hematological and lipid profile parameter changes after administration of green tea leaves extract  to rabbits treated with ethanol , Food and tap water were available ad libitum. Twenty four (24) rabbits (Orycologus caniliculus) whose weight ranged from 900- 1300 gm were used and divided into four equal groups. Control rabbits given 0.9% NaCL solution through I.P., extract group were injected with 2.5mg/ml of 20% green tea and ethanol  group were injected with 20% ethanol solution in 2.5 ml, while green tea and ethanol  rabbits were given 2.5 mg/ml of 2.5% green tea with 20 % ethanol simultaneously. All injection were continuously for four weeks.     The  observed  results  have shown that  ethanol  injected  rabbits  had a significant ( P< 0.05) increase in serum levels of WBC, MCV and LDL with a noticeable  decrease in PTL, HTC, MCH, MCHC and HDL .The parameters were improved after administration of green tea extract, while there are no remarkable changes in red blood cells, cholesterol and triglycerides in all groups.

ناجي م. لجي و سناء ع. الزين. (2018). Efficiency extent of green tea on modulation of some blood indices and lipid profiles in rabbits treated with ethanol . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v17i2.168

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